This has become kind of a mantra of losing weight and gaining muscle mass. Whenever you eat, one thing that you must make sure of in order to achieve your goals is to always consume fewer carbs throughout the day and rely more on lean protein to fill you up.
When we talk about lean protein, what we are implying here is that you get the non-fatty parts of whatever animal you prefer to eat. If you happen to be a vegan or a vegetarian, then your source of protein will be things such as nuts, fruits, lentils, beans, etc. The idea here is to give the body enough fuel so that it can keep up its day to day functioning but also making sure that at the end of the day there is a calorie deficit in the body,
You may now be wondering what we mean by a “calorie deficit”. Well, to put it simply it means that you need to be in the negative zone when you calculate the total amount of calories you took in minus the number of calories you actually burned.
What you want to do is to introduce portion control to both yourself and your diet. This means that whenever you eat the major meals of the day, make sure that you control the portion sizes of whatever it is that you happen to be eating. Ideally, the plate should be divided into three parts. Half of the plate should be carbohydrates, ¼ should be lean protein and the other quarter should be veggies.
One of the absolute best ways in which you can gain muscle mass rapidly is to increase the number of reps you do when you work out. The general rule of thumb is this. If you want bigger muscles, you need to do fewer reps with more weight. If you want to lose weight fast and get a more lean figure, then you need to do more reps with fewer weights if necessary.
Whatever exercises you do, be it weight training or bodyweight training, increase the number of reps you do and you will soon see your body getting more cut and much leaner.
One very important part of the process of anyone’s fitness journey and one part that is often overlooked is recovery time. This is a very important point so make sure that you are paying attention here: you gain muscle mass not when you are working out but rather when you are resting.
When you work out, you are essentially tearing up your muscles. It is only when you are resting that the actual process of muscle building happens. Therefore, not only is it essential that you get enough rest, but it is also equally important that you have specific recovery techniques in place post workouts.
One of the best methods for recovery undoubtedly has to be light therapy. Light therapy is a type of therapy model that basically operates by emulating light of the outdoors in an indoor setting. This light has the ability to promote numerous health benefits and one of the main benefits is how it helps you to recover better and faster after any form of strenuous physical exertion.
If you think you would benefit from light therapy treatments, make sure that you consult with your doctor or physician as they can best guide you through the process.