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Types of Tenders in India and Basics of Tendering Process


A tender is a formal invitation to businesses or contractors to submit bids for the supply of goods, works, or services. Tenders are issued by government organizations, public sector companies, and private sector firms for various projects, ranging from construction and infrastructure development to the supply of goods and services.

Now, let’s see the types of tenders available in India. There are two ways to classify tenders – basis their handling and basis their origin, i.e. state/category, etc. Let’s classify the types of tenders in India using both the methods. 

Classification of Tenders based on Type of Work/Origin: 

State-Based: This is the easiest way to classify a tender. If you are searching for a UP tender, then you must look for it at the UP eProcurement Portal and if your state is Delhi, then you’ll need to head over to Delhi eProcurement Portal. However, there is an easy way to do this too. Simply go to BidAssist, sign up using your mobile number and OTP and search for a UP tender or a Assam tender – all in one place. 

Category-Based: Category based tenders include tenders based on the type of work or service required. It can range from Crane services, electrical goods, chemicals to finance, food products and hotel catering services. 

Authority-Based Tenders: Whenyou want to search for a tender from a certain government authority like iocl e tender, ASI tenders, AIIMS tender or a PWD tender, you’re looking into an authority-based tender. Again, just like a state tender, you can find active tenders from a particular authority like iocl e tender on the online portal of BidAssist which is an online tender aggregator helping bidders find the best opportunities to grow their business. 

Note: This is not an exhaustive list. 

Classification Tenders Based on how they are bid: 

  1. Open Tender: This is a type of tender where all eligible bidders can participate in the bidding process. The tender notice is advertised publicly, and anyone can submit a bid, provided they meet the eligibility criteria.
  2. Limited Tender: In a limited tender, only pre-qualified bidders are invited to participate in the bidding process. The selection of bidders is based on their past experience, expertise, and financial capabilities.
  3. Global Tender: A global tender is an international tender where the bidding process is open to all bidders across the globe. Global tenders are usually issued for large-scale projects where specialized skills or technology is required.
  4. Single Tender: In a single tender, only one supplier or contractor is invited to submit a bid. This type of tender is usually issued when there is only one known supplier or contractor who can fulfill the specific requirements of the project.
  5. E-Tender: An e-tender is a type of tender where the entire tendering process is conducted online. The bidding process, evaluation, and award of the contract are all done electronically.
  6. Two-Stage Tender: A two-stage tender is a type of tender that is conducted in two stages. In the first stage, bidders submit technical bids, and in the second stage, only the technically qualified bidders are invited to submit their financial bids.

Overall, the type of tender used for a project will depend on various factors such as the nature of the project, the requirements, and the budget. Tendering is a common method of procurement in India, used by both public and private sector organizations to select suppliers or contractors for their projects

Now that we’re through with all the various types of tenders available in India, let’s also understand the process of tendering while we’re at it. 

The process of tendering typically involves the following steps:

Tendering is a competitive process that helps to ensure transparency and fairness in procurement, as well as encouraging cost-effectiveness and quality. For businesses, participating in tenders provides an opportunity to win contracts and expand their customer base. 

However, it also requires a significant investment of time and resources in preparing and submitting the bid. No matter if you’re bidding for a state specific tender or a category-specific tender, a little help from the right resources can prove to be catastrophic for your business. 

This is when tender aggregators like BidAssist come into the picture who provide bidding assistance for finding the best opportunities like an active UP tender.  

Some of the key services provided by BidAssist include: 

Tender Search: BidAssist provides a comprehensive tender search engine that allows users to search and browse tenders from various government and private organizations in India.

Tender Tracking: BidAssist enables users to track tenders of their interest and receive alerts for new tenders, pre-bid meetings, bid submission dates, and other important updates.

Bid Consultancy: BidAssist offers bid consultancy services to help businesses improve their chances of winning tenders. This includes bid management, document preparation, and other support services.

Tender Analysis: BidAssist provides a detailed analysis of tenders, including tender documents, bid criteria, and other key information. This enables businesses to make informed decisions about whether to participate in a tender or not.

Vendor Registration: BidAssist allows businesses to register as vendors with various government and private organizations, which can increase their visibility and chances of winning tenders.

Tender Document Purchase: BidAssist enables businesses to purchase tender documents online, saving time and effort.

Overall, web portals like BidAssist provide a one-stop solution for businesses looking to participate in tenders and procurements in India. Such platforms offer a comprehensive range of services that can help businesses save time and resources and increase their chances of winning tenders. Thus, whether you’re looking for a reliable source to search for an active tender like a UP tender or iocl e tender, or want consultation before posing a bid, you can always resort to these websites. 

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