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Vaginal Rejuvenation in Portland Oregon

Women Health

The natural aging and childbirth procedure causes different changes that can affect feminine wellness. A mainly strenuous vaginal delivery, many births, and the menopause effects can cause several physical changes that rob a woman and her partner of their well-being & happiness senses.

Tissue negligence can lead to sensation loss during intercourse and reduced bladder control. Increased aridness more adds to the discomfort and can reason of pain during intimate contact or while performing usual daily activities.

Vaginal Rejuvenation in Portland Oregon provides the latest and modern treatment for those women who want to take charge of the look and better sense of their vaginal area while evading risks and healing related to surgery.

Vaginal Rejuvenation treatment involves the radiofrequency energy used to lightly heat tissue to encourage collagen production, without the requirement for major downtime after. The collagen-building procedure supports vaginal walls, increased moisture retention, supports thickens & tightens tissue, reduce stress, and contract loose labia.

Two Dimensions of Vaginal Rejuvenation

Labia major or outer lips, labia minor or inner lips, both can become enlarged. It can be the result of multiple childbirths, difficult delivery, or an aging procedure. For young women, this is just a genetic trait. Enlarged labia affect discomfort during sexual relations and stretch & pull painfully when workouts. Additional tissue may be seen in fitting clothing.

Labial alteration is a simple & painless treatment. It tones, shrinks, and tightens the external tissues of the vaginal A woman can get the latest treatment with safe and effective results. Laser vaginal rejuvenation is the best procedure that uses radiofrequency energy. It encourages the body’s natural healing procedures, structures collagen in the treatment area to trim and tighten labia.

Who Is a Suitable Candidate?

Because vaginal rejuvenation in Portland Oregon covers a range of processes, many women are suitable as good candidates. It is necessary to recognize that all these women vary in time of life and are not restricted to who will complete menopause or have given birth. Those who could advantage from vaginal rejuvenation contain women who experience:

After knowing the above physical symptoms, a woman can also get vaginal rejuvenation treatment if she desires to improve her genital structure contours. The patient must have reasonable expectations before going into the process because not every woman’s body is similar. So, the result of one patient may not look similar to another’s.

Symptoms for Choose Vaginal Rejuvenation in Portland Oregon

Women who follow vaginal rejuvenation to process their vaginal relaxation can complain of:

Vaginal Rejuvenation Benefits

The same comfortable method treats internal vaginal issues. Usually, three treatments, once per week, are needed to:

Vaginal Rejuvenation Work

Vaginal Rejuvenation in Portland Oregon is a non-ablative & non-invasive process that controls laser heating to encourage collagen production and a new blood supply to increase thickness and resistance to the vaginal wall. The created laser beam is produced in a vibrated pattern that does not cause insincere vaginal wall loss. It works to support the elastin fibers and collagen growth in the deep vaginal wall layers. As a result, the treatment gives proper relief from painful intercourse because of vaginal dryness.

Research shows that challenges of women’s intimacy from aging & childbirth have not attained equal attention as the sexual health issue of men. So, in the Portland area, that has changed for women. They can enjoy the advantages of confidence, comfort, & pleasure with vaginal rejuvenation treatment.

Laser vaginal rejuvenation treatment is slightly invasive to heat all tissue under the board-certified surgeon’s guidance. Although this may sound sore, most patients properly accept the process and usually do not need any sedation. It can mostly only take 5 to 10 minutes, but it depends on the procedure type you will receive.  

Will Vaginal Rejuvenation Improve The Sex Life?

The vaginal rejuvenation aims to tighten up the vagina for improved friction resulting in greater encouragement during intercourse. The sex life of a patient can also be improved by better self-confidence.

Two scientific studies concluded that 83% to 90% of patients of vaginal rejuvenation have a better experience with successful results of a sex life by the following surgery. Even though no surgery brings a 100% success rate, specialist surgeons do their best to provide every patient a better exceptional post-operative experience.

Recovery and Results

The laser heat used during the process stimulates the tissue and inspires your body to create more collagen in targeted areas. Many patients may experience better improvements after the first session. After the first sessions, most surgeons suggested that patients pursue treatment yearly to keep up with the best results.

It depends on the patient. Instantly, results will come after following the second session of treatment. The best results will come within the treatment of 3 to 6 months.

This treatment is effective in treating tone loss, vaginal laxity, stress incontinence, and more others. It is vital to remember that this treatment cannot surety of heightened sexual stimulation, as that is an extremely personal response.


Reducing stress is the best key to making your life healthy living and reducing inflammation and disease. Now you know better, it also has a large impact on your vaginal health. Firstly, notice the vaginal rejuvenation’s signs and symptoms and after take action to improve your vaginal health.

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