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Ways your company can give back to society


Giving back to the community or helping fund a cause is one of the most satisfying ways to use your firm’s profits while also offering your company some tremendous altruistic marketing and benefitting its reputation.

We live in a more socially aware world than ever today and, while helping fund the community should be seen first and foremost as a pleasure, you still shouldn’t ignore the potential benefits that helping charities can have on your firm’s standing, stature, and esteem.

However, knowing how best to give back to society and choosing causes that will have the greatest impact on both your recipients and your firm can often prove challenging to some company owners.

Ideas to help benefit charities, society, and your local community

If you’re keen to help other local businesses, charities, or society as a whole, below are some great ideas to make your mark and invest your company profits to the benefit of all. Not only will you have the satisfaction of putting your hard-earned money to great use, but your firm could also gain a little knock-on marketing.

Buy from other local businesses

The first and most obvious way you can benefit your local community is to make sure you buy from other nearby businesses. In the internet age, it’s all-too-easy to jump onto web-based suppliers like Amazon when local firms would far more appreciate your money. It’s been widely documented how e-commerce is transforming (and possibly ending) the traditional high street but, even if you do decide to buy online, try to make sure it’s from a local supplier.

Get behind a local youth sports initiative

Children are our future, and by helping the youth of today learn a new sport or skill, you’ll be investing in tomorrow. By sponsoring a local sports team or initiative, your company could benefit from the exposure of official kit, shirts, etc., featuring your logo while also helping the team stay viable. Sponsorship is one of the quickest and most effective ways of getting your name out there and also giving back to society.

Choose a worthy cause and set up a not-for-profit organization to help

If you want to show your philanthropic side, you could look at setting up a foundation or similar not-for-profit organization to show your support. For example, the CEO of 1-800Accountant (Michael Savage) was so moved by the plight of poverty-stricken Honduran children that he set up the Savage Riviera foundation, which helps kids by supplying them with clothes, bedding, books, etc. This page has more information to learn about the foundation that Michael Savage of New Canaan created.

Speak to your staff about doing volunteer work

Encouraging your staff to offer to volunteer for a charity of their choice is a great and relatively inexpensive way for your firm to help multiple charities or organizations at the same time. In addition, if you offer staff time off to perform their volunteering work, you’ll also experience countless other benefits like helping build morale and team spirit among your employees, who will appreciate the time away from work to help their chosen cause.

Make internal changes that benefit society as a whole

Every quarter, try sitting with your staff to work out what causes are important to the – ones you could help by making internal changes to how you operate. For example, global warming and climate change are a real and present danger facing our world today and, for real change to occur, it’s going to take a concerted effort by companies and individuals alike. To play your part in reducing the changes to our planet, you might look at trialing a digital (rather than paper-based) accounting/invoicing system. Even small changes can make an impact, and your staff will also take pride in the efforts their firm is making.

Remember, even the smallest acts can make a difference

Acts of charity don’t need to be huge or overblown – in fact, sometimes even the simplest tactics work best. For example, you could try speaking with your staff and deciding on a charity, then put a collection jar in a conspicuous area of your workplace. Even little acts like this can soon add up, and you could see your business quickly making a positive impact with very little effort or outlay.

Offer your experience or skills for free

Your business likely has employees with considerable talent and skills in their particular field so consider offering your services for free to a charity or organization that might benefit from them. For example, if you run a sign-making company, look into whether your skills might be beneficial for a local non-profit charity – maybe by revamping the branding outside their offices. Or, if you’re a web design company, see if you can make a website for a good cause. You’ll likely find there are countless ways you could help charities if you put your mind to it.

Think about offering other, non-financial donations to charities

It’s worth remembering; the best donations frequently aren’t money-based – rather, many organizations benefit hugely from food or clothing gifts, etc. If you check around your staff, they probably have old items at home that could be put to good use by charity organizations. For example, charities supporting the homeless are constantly looking for clothing, blankets, sleeping bags, etc. The same applies to old electrical equipment such as TVs or dated mobile phones, which can often be repurposed for sale by charity shops. Ask around your staff for ideas of what they might like to donate.

The take out

Giving back to society can be a hugely rewarding experience for you, your staff, and your firm. If you work collectively as a team, you’ll achieve far more than if you were to try and help on an individual basis. Moreover, being charitable can have the bonus of reflecting well on your company and increasing your exposure. If done right and with the right goals, it can be a win-win outcome for all concerned. Ask your staff what cause (or causes) they’d like to get behind and start making a difference today.

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