Day: May 2, 2021

Home Improvement & Decor

Why corn light bulb are better than florescent lamps

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15,760 ViewsDevelopment in lighting has come a long way since Edison created the first tungsten light bulb. Nowadays you can choose from a wide variety of …


Hotel Management Institute in Pune – Important Considerations

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951 ViewsThe Hotel Management Institute in Pune is another example of the growing outsourcing culture prevalent in the country. Just like other online institutions in India, …


Adopt These Driving Hacks And Cut The Cost of Fuel

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762 ViewsAutomobile Gas prices are increasing but it has become necessary to keep a car. Talking about the prices of petroleum fuel, sometimes they are so …


Living together during quarantine: how not to fall into a routine?

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870 ViewsThe COVID-19 pandemic is creating a new “normality” in everyone’s life worldwide. In a way, it is forcing people to take certain measures and to …