3 Trending Jobs in American Healthcare


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It is common knowledge that healthcare in the USA is a growing sector, and for many, this is only equated to the rise in the number of doctors and nurses. It is the nurses and doctors that many see and can relate to and where we as a society can see the increase in staff numbers and need. This is indeed the case, but there are also several other specific professions in healthcare that one should be aware of.

The professions or careers noted in this article are those that will provide a sustainable working option and are all above average in terms of their yearly expected remuneration. It is no wonder that these jobs are trending as more people out there look to these professions as a way out of the current labor market uncertainty.

Medical data security analyst

The rise of smart, proactive healthcare has seen the recent increase in technology and information sharing as a key component of modern medicine and health care. The idea has been to integrate the new systems and allow all healthcare service providers with access to their patient information and health records. This has created a dilemma in that access should be seamless, but it should also be protected and secure.

In the US, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) legislation sets the basic minimums expected of anyone/business or healthcare providers who work with patient and client data. As the integration of patient records gathers speed and becomes the norm across the country, and the globe, the manner in which these records are kept, stored, and accessed has become a matter of great importance. Being HIPAA compliant is now an issue for many medical and healthcare practices and private businesses.

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Just as cyber-crime has peaked and is on the ongoing increase in business, politics, and social media, it has also become a major risk factor for the medical industry and all those who gather, save and access patient data electronically. As such, the need for medical-related data security is at an all-time high. Medical practitioners need to be able to safely amend and access patient records and yet also share these with other stakeholders working with the patient. As such, passwords, multi-level authentication, and some of the tightest security protocols are required to secure these systems and networks. Finding the right way to ensure the security and privacy of patients is now paramount and provides excellent opportunities for career growth.

Cyber and data security is one of the fastest-growing sectors overall, and with an initial understanding of the nursing or medical profession, you will be able to train your way to become a top medical data security analyst. Alternatively, being aware and able to manipulate the information technology will also allow you to, with the right understanding of the medical sector, be able to find opportunities in this area.

Family nurse practitioner

A registered nurse who is looking to develop and grow is encouraged to take the next step. With further studies, becoming a Family Nurse Practitioner will provide a great career option, and these advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) are the answer to modern patient care across their lifetimes.

The family nurse practitioner has gained popularity as a means of both diagnosing and treating health issues. The focus has been on the prevention of disease and proactive health management for the entire family, and the FNP has for many taken prominence over the General practitioner for more day-to-day family health management.

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It is worth keeping in mind that this could also be the starting to point for study towards the Masters FNP program. Carson-Newman arguably offers private school tuition at state school prices and present a great example of how the FNP can be improved and progressed.

Nursing as a whole is thus the area that is trending, but within the sector, there are a range of opportunities for progression that allow for the job to be as popular as it has become in recent times.

Elderly care

Elderly living is one of the greatest changes heralded by improved healthcare. Americans are living 30 years longer on average than we have done ever before. For many industries and business sectors, this addition to life has created vast opportunities. Elderly care is at the nexus of any future developments and opportunities in this arena. It will provide opportunities for business and jobs while also serving to cement the gains we have made as a society for a healthier, more productive old age. 

Elderly healthcare has become increasingly proactive, and as such, there is a heightened demand for nurses, caregivers, and administrators in this sector. For many nurses, the elderly care sector offers an opportunity to move off the front line of nursing. The risk is arguably reduced, and palliative care or elderly long-term care has become a great way to extend one’s nursing career. Home healthcare for the elderly is part of a US Federal government initiative, and as such, there will be, according to the White House, “new and better jobs for caregiving workers”.

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The idea of providing elderly care as a private individual or business or becoming a mobile caregiver is a trending career choice and has emerged to both meet the demand of those living in elderly care residences and their own homes and to relieve the pressures on local general medical practitioners.

Concluding comments

Healthcare as a whole is changing and growing, currently presenting as a great opportunity for both small business and those individuals looking to extend or change a career. As with all professions out there, the main factor that will allow such movement between careers or within the healthcare field will be the additional training, certification, and registration in the state you intend to work in. There are some great opportunities out there in the present context and times; the trick to your success will be to ensure that you are both ready and prepared to take full advantage of these opportunities.