5 First Date Gifts Ideas


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Your first date is the most important moment in a new relationship. That first date can make all the difference if you want to impress your partner and go on a second, third, and more date with this person.

Have you been looking at that special someone and wondering whether they will go on a date with you? It’s time to stop wondering and put the plan into action. The first date places pressure on both parties, so set the tone for an enjoyable date by being relaxed and comfortable. The most important thing to start with is to take a breath and relax!

When you pick up or meet your date for the first time and your body language is relaxed, you immediately put the other person at ease. It will set a nice comfortable tone for the date. First impressions are important especially if you plan to turn it into a lasting relationship.

Giving your date a small gift on a first date will create a great impression, especially if she isn’t expecting something. Knowing this, you also need to remember that some thought should go into getting her that special gift. You should also not go overboard, as too much or too expensive a gift at this point shows is embarrassing and in bad taste. Expensive jewelry or red roses at this early stage in a potential relationship is a good example of too much. 

Flowers are perfect for any occasion. But have you checked if she is allergic to certain flowers?

Before you decide on the perfect gift to make your first date memorable, do some research. Look at her social media accounts and see what she likes. If you know her friends or siblings, ask them some questions. They are sure to give you a clever idea for the perfect gift!

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Should the first date turn into something more, this might be the “unforgettable memory” that you tell your grandchildren about…

Here are some perfect options for a perfect date:

  1. A box of chocolates 

Mm, delicious! Who can say no to a box of assorted chocolates, where every inside is an additional surprise? The chocolates don’t have to be expensive, just make sure they are fresh and look delicious. Points to check on before giving a box of chocolates, does your date have a nut allergy or does she not like chocolates? If you have done some research and present her with a box of nutty or nut-free chocolates, you will definitely impress your date! 

  1. A Bracelet 

Jewelry is the perfect way to say you are honored to accompany this girl on a date. This bracelet should not be an expensive gift. There are trendy bracelets made from leather or beads. Find out what her favorite color is and surprise her with a bracelet of beads,buy here https://www.umisoul.com/collections/mala-bracelet. Imagine how perfect your first date will turn out if her favorite color is blue, and you give her a bracelet made from different shades of blue all strung together for her beautiful wrist. If you have been eyeing each other for some time, and know each other already, you may consider a bracelet with only one charm on it. The next charm can be given on the first month anniversary, and so on into your future together…

  1. Bunch Of Flowers

There is nothing more beautiful than a bunch of fresh flowers. There are so many options, do you want to give her a bunch of long-stemmed roses? Remember, red is best left for a later stage in the relationship – or to send to her the next morning if the date turned out to be as special as you had hoped! Think about getting a bunch of mixed flowers that look like they were freshly picked by you. Here is another chance you get to make your first date unforgettable. Find out what her favorite flower is. If it is an expensive flower like an orchid, buy just one single orchid. This will show that you know what she likes and that you have gone to great effort to make her smile.

  1. Film tickets for two
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Most people love the movies. Find out whether she likes a romantic comedy, a fantasy movie or maybe a thriller. Buy two tickets and place them in an envelope with a handwritten note. This is a really special idea, because if she invites you to go and watch the film with her, you know that the first date has made a good impression and that there is already a second date on the cards.

  1. Something cuddly and gentle

If you have looked on her social media accounts, you may have spotted her holding a cuddly teddy bear or another fluffy animal. Or maybe she has a keyring with a tiny fluffy animal. This will give you an idea of whether she likes fluffy toys. A fluffy toy is cuddly and gentle but also brings in an element of fun. You are essentially saying, life doesn’t need to be all serious! 

Whatever the gift is that you choose, it will be a memorable occasion because at last you are spending time with that special person!