5 Human Resource Myths That The Pandemic Has Overthrown


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Human resource management functions on several layers. In a layman’s terminology human resource has an impression of being burdened with the least amount of work. Instead human resource is associated with major functionalities related to an employee’s lifecycle. The outbreak of coronavirus and sudden halt has cleared the sky of major human resource myth. With sudden transition from office to remote functioning of the organizations HR software has served as a shield to plan and execute remote functioning. This transition has made the employees and the human resource team several common myths that were believed to be true.

Let’s delve and discuss five such myths that the pandemic has overthrown:

Productivity can be increased by working in a cubicle

It has been a major myth that an employee stays more focused and motivated while sitting on a chair for long hours. It is not true. In Fact,after the pandemic has caused a sudden shift to remote functioning of the organizations has shown tremendous results in the performance of the employees. There has been an increase in productivity of the employees while functioning for  remote locations. As they employees had the freedom to plan a staycation and change locations to revitalize himself/herself  and boost the pace of work. 

More pressure means more result

It has been seen that many employees face a hard time working under pressure and as a result they might face nervous breakdown which indicates unable to concentrate on performance. It has been observed that the majority of the administrative team believes that pressurizing the employees might help them perform better but pandemic has proved that pressure might lead to deteriorate the performance of the employee. After the pandemic, the human resource management system raised  concerns related to employees’ mental and physical health. Surveys conducted by HRs after the pandemic proved that pressure adversely affected the employees’ performance. 

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Multitasking increases productivity

Multitasking has been the new trend in this modern world.  It can’t be denied that a multitasking employee can increase productivity. Having said that it is imperative to understand that every employee has a different mind set which indicates that everyone might not be capable of multitasking. Pandemic assisted to analyze the human resource team in a detailed way so that multitasking is not the solution to increase productivity of the organization. HR software has assisted to manage timesheets and assign the projects in accordance with their skills and key areas of responsibilities for better performance of the employees. 

Remote functioning means a day off

Work from home has always bore the impression of a lazy day at work with postponing tasks. Pandemic played a vital role in overthrowing the human resource myth of having a lazy day at work while functioning from remote locations. With sudden transition surveys have been conducted as shown tremendous results with increased productivity. As remote locations assisted the employees by saving time as employees could start working right on time without any inconvenience. 

Recruitment via virtual mode is not possible

Recruitment involves a lot of steps, the final confirmation being a face to face round of interview with the human resource representative. With pandemic the new normal initiated digital front of majority of activities. Virtual process of interview abeted in hiring new employees for the organization to increase its workforce. Technological advancements such as HR software assisted in pre screening the resumes and scaling the righteous candidate for the available job profile. HR software assisted the HRs to conduct virtual interviews of the candidate to assure identity of the employee and make better decisions for the organization. 

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It can’t be denied that the pandemic has thrown lights on certain elements which has never been a concern of the human race. This statement justifies that these myths have been overshadowed but with the pandemic and introduction of new normal these elements are witnessed with new vision.