5 Tips to Lose Weight Without Saying No to Your Favorite Food


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Weight loss can be a tough journey, especially when it means you might have to give up some of your favorite foods. The good news is that you don’t. These are five tips for losing weight without saying no to the foods you love:

1. Eat Smaller Meals

You can still lose weight without giving up your favorite foods by making your portions smaller. Try eating six small meals instead of three huge meals and space them out appropriately. You might find that this small change gives your metabolism a boost, and you start to drop weight rather quickly. 

2. Drink Plenty of Fluids

Drinking the proper amounts of water can help to boost your metabolism and cause you to lose weight. Furthermore, it will help to cleanse your entire system and cause your organs to function properly. The appropriate amount of water for an adult is eight 8-oz glasses per day. Your recommended intake might be different, depending on your age and gender. You can start now by at least taking the amount mentioned above. 

3. Try Gluten-Free Foods

Gluten-free foods tend to be healthier for individuals. Thus, you may want to go ahead and buy yourself a gluten free gift box with some goodies in it to try. Try removing gluten from your diet for two to four weeks to see if there’s any difference in your weight loss speed or process. 

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4. Count Your Calories

Another way to lose weight without giving up your favorite foods is to get into the habit of counting your calories. Find a chart that explains how many calories you need to take every day to maintain your weight. Then, develop a plan to reduce those calories by 3,500 a week to lose one pound. 

You don’t have to stop eating your favorite foods to count calories. You can do a mixture of cutting out some of your meals and replacing some of the more caloric items with less caloric items. For example, you can replace your cookies with peanut-butter-covered bananas on occasion. You could replace a fried menu item with raw fruit or vegetables such as a carrot or apple. Try these methods and see if they work for you. 

5. Exercise

Getting a good amount of exercise can create a caloric deficit for you as well. It can also help you to gain muscle, feel better mentally and keep your heart healthy. You can lose weight if you develop a good exercise plan. 

One rule-of-thumb practice you can try is exercising at least three times a week for 30 minutes a session. Make sure you incorporate some cardiovascular activities into your exercise plan. You will feel much better after about two weeks of regular exercise. You’ll be thankful that you tried these methods. 

Now you know a few tips and tricks to lose weight without denying yourself pleasurable foods. Use these tips to put yourself in a place of victory against weight gain.