8 Sports for Your Child and Their Benefits


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When it comes to childhood development, it’s hard to overstate the importance of sports. Sports are more than silly tribal showdowns. They offer benefits that a child can carry for the rest of his or her life.

Looking for some sports for your child? Wondering what’s available out there? Then read on. Here are 7 children’s sports and their benefits.

1. Soccer

Soccer (or football, as they call it everywhere but the United States) is the ultimate gateway sport. It’s generally the first sport that a child plays. This is because it’s relatively safe and relatively easy to understand.

But soccer isn’t just about standing in an open field and picking dandelions. There’s a great deal of skill and teamwork involved in it. It will teach your child the merits of cooperation while also providing him or her with increased strength, speed, flexibility, dexterity, and the like.

Kids can start playing soccer in organized leagues at just 3 years old. So, try to find information on your local league and see if you can get your child signed up.

2. Rollerblades

Rollerblading is a sport that puts a lot of strain on the arms and legs, resulting in fat loss in those areas. It helps a lot with weight management and balance. According to studies, one hour of skating at a speed of 20 mph can burn between 400 and 500 calories. If you’re just getting your child started on this amazingly beneficial sport, don’t forget to explore Skates.co.uk. You can easily browse through a number of options (in skill level and price) and order online.

3. Swimming

Another childhood gateway sport is swimming. This is a sport that can be started at an exceedingly young age, in some cases as young as 1. The earlier you get your child into swimming, the easier he or she will take to it.

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Swimming is not just an athletic activity but a social exercise. After all, where do kids go on hot summer afternoons? The local pool, of course.

So, by entering your child into swimming, you will indirectly be helping to improve his or her social skills. Other lessons taught by swimming include perseverance and body control.

The physical benefits of swimming are staggering. Your child will improve not only his or her strength but his or her cardiovascular conditioning as well. Flexibility and dexterity benefits should come into the picture also.

4. Gymnastics

Gymnastics is another sport that small children can get involved in. While upper-level gymnastics classes require kids to be at least 5 years of age, there are tumbling classes available for kids as young as 2.

There are many benefits that come with participating in gymnastics. First and foremost, you can make a lot of friends. But in addition to that, you can also improve your strength, flexibility, and endurance.

Interested in getting your child into the sport? If so, you’re going to have to find the necessary equipment. Start by browsing this list of best leotard brands.

5. Basketball

Kids usually get started in basketball at a little later of an age. Though they can learn the fundamentals at around 5 or 6, they aren’t really capable of participating in team ball until they’re 7 or 8. Note, though, that basketball is a great sport to get your child involved in.

Basketball is one of the ultimate team sports. It requires you to cooperate with your teammates, to make compromises, and to do what’s best for the whole as opposed to the individual.

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In addition, it helps kids to improve their problem-solving skills. Every trip down the court is a problem that needs to be solved, the problem of how to get the ball into the basket. This problem needs to be solved in real-time and as a response to unpredictable elements; as such, it forces players to be more agile in their thinking.

Other benefits of basketball include improved hand-eye coordination, improved stamina, improved strength, and improved conditioning. Played on a regular basis, basketball will whip a child into great physical shape.

6. Hiking

You may just see hiking as a glorified form of walking but, in truth, it’s a more glorious form of walking. It’s much more than just putting one foot in front of the other. It’s about testing one’s body in the elements of nature.

Hiking works muscles that regular walking doesn’t, and it builds stamina that regular walking doesn’t. It also forces you to contort your body in ways that regular walking doesn’t. And to top it off, it does this in a natural setting, allowing a child to become more and more ingratiated with the environment that surrounds us.

You can help your child start hiking as soon as he or she can walk. Find a simple trail near you and go for a little trek. Your child will very likely enjoy exploring.

7. Judo

Another sport to consider is judo, a form of martial arts that can teach children combat and defense techniques. This sport can be started as young as three and can be mastered over time.

By participating in judo, your child will learn discipline and focus. Not to mention, he or she will become more coordinated. Plus, he or she will learn how to defend him or herself, which can come in handy down the road.

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There are judo classes available in most towns and cities. Search Google for classes in your area.

8. Baseball/Softball/Tee-ball

The last sport we’ll discuss is baseball/softball/tee-ball. You know; all of those sports that are played on a diamond. This sport can be started as young as three.

There are quite a few benefits to a child playing this sport. For one, he or she can face the fear of the ball being hit his or her way. Being able to take the impact of a baseball or softball will pay dividends over time and will also serve to make your child a tougher person.

Your child will also become adept at learning rules. These sports have a strict but not-too-complex rule book that’s great for kids. Of course, kids can also benefit from improved hand-eye-coordination and getting accustomed to being part of a team.

There Are All Sorts of Sports for Your Child to Participate In

In truth, these are just the tip of the iceberg. There are all sorts of sports for your child to participate in. So, ask around to those in your area and see if there’s anything that could benefit your child.

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