Old Age Diet: A key to healthy and happy elderly living


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Old age can turn out to be the holiday phase of our life, only if the physical and mental health is safe and sound. With age, comes a lot of challenges and restrictions, however, we can overcome them by keeping ourselves busy, active and healthy.  Food plays a crucial role in our wellbeing and compromising with the choices and quality of food can take a toll on our health. Especially, in the old age, when our body has different nutrient requirements and varying capability to digest food items, it becomes mandatory to be selective in the diet. You can either ruin or upgrade your aging experience with the food choices along with other lifestyle habits.

Why the nutritional needs change with old age?

Aging signifies the aging of body systems, hence the strength of our digestive system to assimilate food also undergoes changes. Not only this, the wearing off of muscles and bones signals the body to intake less and specified food items to maintain a balance. This requires a healthy shift in our diet for easy digestion and absorption by the body.

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The body requires lesser calories

Aging leads to decreased physical activities, low muscle mass and even bone or joint problems. You might not be able to burn the calories you take through food. This can cause unhealthy weight gain bringing you closer to a whole lot of new problems. So, take your food wisely and keep your metabolism up. You can consult a doctor online or talk to a dietician for a personalized food plan.

Loss of appetite

Sense of smell and taste tend to diminish with growing age. This can reduce your appetite affecting your overall health including muscles, bones, or organs. So, a balanced diet, though lesser in quantity, is needed to keep you well-nourished and healthy.

Diet depends on medical conditions

Lifestyle diseases and certain chronic conditions tend to flare up with aging. These conditions include blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, heart problems, osteoarthritis, and the like. Doctors usually suggest specific old age diet for the management of these conditions and you must stick to it to reduce your emergency rush to the clinic.

Foods and medications might interact

Elderly people are sometimes prescribed with a couple of medicines to manage the chronic conditions. These medicines can affect the appetite making you eat less. Not only this, some of these medicines can even react with the food or food supplements you might be taking for vitality. So, checking all your intakes, including food and medicine is needed. Once confirmed, you can buy medicines or nutritional supplements online.

Decreased immunity needs attention

You carefully need to check your food plate as with aging, the natural immunity of the body diminishes. This can bring you closer to a number of food-borne diseases, seasonal allergies, and infections. Having a diet rich in immunity boosting food should be considered. However, such changes should be brought under expert supervision.

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What to include in old age diet?

The nutritional need of people depends on a number of factors and varies from person to person. So, here are some healthy diet tips for elderly people.

#1. Count the nutrients

Instead of filling your stomach with heavy food, try to eat lesser and nutrient-rich food. Include protein, vitamins, carbohydrate, minerals, and recommended amount of fat in your meals. Make sure you eat grains, low-fat dairy, lentils, vegetables, and fruits every day.

Avoid high-calorie food like spicy, oily, and sweet food items. Sweetened beverages, excessive alcohol, and junk foods are a strict ‘No’.

#2. Fiber is a must

Fibers not only will keep your digestive system smooth, but will also manage your cholesterol levels. So, make sure to include some fibrous food items in every meal. A few options include seeds and nuts, fruits & vegetables, oats, beans, grains etc. 

#3. Be wise with convenience foods

If you are living alone or relying on ready-to-use food items, you need to be highly selective. Do not opt for sugary or preservative-laden canned foods, instead, choose the packed cut vegetables or fruits, low-sodium canned soups or stew, packed salad, instant oat meals etc.

#4. Choose recommended supplements

 Based on your body type and medical condition, your doctor might recommend you some nutritional supplement. They should be taken on time and in case of any unusual symptoms, you must consult your doctor immediately. Buy food supplements which are FDA approved and take them under doctor’s supervision.

#5. Drink enough fluids

In old age, sometimes, you might not feel the thirst as you used to feel earlier. That is why, it is important for you to drink at regular interval and ensure a minimum intake of liquid which is around 8 glasses of water daily. You can take juices, soup, green tea, or juicy fruits to stay hydrated.

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Benefits of a balanced old age diet

There are multiple benefits of a balanced diet for everyone. For elderly people also, a balanced diet can benefit them in many ways.

  • Helps maintain a healthy weight
  • Enhances treatment and medication outcomes
  • Boosts immunity and disease-fighting ability
  • Provides nutrition to the bones, muscles and organs
  • Keeps digestion healthy and the body fit

Additional recommendation for elders

Stay socially active: Being social brings you closer to different people, different situations and different emotions. It affects your metabolism and your stress level which has a lot to do with your overall health. Also, staying among people helps in exchange of information and awareness which can help you implement many positive changes in your food habits and lifestyle. So, keep meeting people, going out, and participating in social events.

Seek professional help: Ignoring the symptoms and tolerating adverse body conditions can lead to severe consequences, especially when you age because body loses its self-healing ability. So, monitor yourself and seek experts help to get recommended with the right food advices and treatment, if required. When needed, you can find the best online pharmacy in India and order medicines for doorstep delivery. If you are a senior citizen or living with any senior, take care of the daily food intake, stick to a fixed meal time, and stay positive for overall health and wellness.