Can CBD Improve Your Workout Performance?


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A growing number of fitness fanatics are turning to CBD as a primary part of their recovery treatment. 

Similarly, professional athletes also consider the product an effective supplement due to studies that relate it to several health benefits. 

However, a handful of users still have a problem telling the difference between hemp oil versus CBD oil, while a large percentage are doubting whether the purported effects are empty hype or anything to believe. 

This article uncovers the relationship and will help you make the right step.

What is CBD?

CBD, a short-term for cannabidiol, is one in over 100 compounds known as cannabinoids present in cannabis. 

It’s an extract from the stalks and seeds of the cannabis plant, contains less than 0.3% of the psychoactive ingredient in Marijuana (THC), and hence doesn’t make users feel high.

Similarly, CBD has a comparable structure as endocannabinoids, a naturally occurring cannabis-like substance in every animal’s body, which aids in maintaining health, stability, and a sense of well-being.

How CBD Could Make Your Workouts Better

More evidence from research continues to build a possible relationship between physical performance and CBD, although indirectly. 

Here are possible pointers that CBD may help make your workouts better.

  1. CBD and Sleep

Different studies indicate that CBD is effective in treating various sleep disorders and promoting healthy sleep patterns. 

This is a valuable quality to your physical performance since sleeping helps the body repair and recharge, aids in dropping fat, and balances hormones.

CBD also lowers the cortisol levels in the body, making it a good remedy for those with anxiety to fall asleep.

  1. CBD, and Inflammation and Pains
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Athletes subscribe to post and pre-CBD regimens to manage older injuries, muscle aches, and sore joints. That’s because studies have shown that CBD is effective in reducing inflammation before and after exercises.

As such, it’s essential to remember that inflammation is a natural way your body responds to injury, and so, decreased inflammation may mean decreased pains.

  1. CBD, and Stress, and Anxiety

CBD reduces cortisol, the stress hormone, in the body. As a result, it’s an excellent remedy to calm your nerves and build confidence if you often feel anxious before major competitions and games.

  1. CBD and Muscle Spasms

Muscle spasms are the main culprits behind nerve damages, dehydration, and muscle sprains. CBD may be your perfect regimen if you identify with such complications during workouts since cannabinoids are famous for their antispasmodic properties.

How Can I Get Started with CBD?

Several studies have proven CBD to have the benefits you need to propel your workout sessions. There are many ways you can take the product, including smoking and vaping, applying it to your skin, or consuming it in edibles.

However, most new users prefer taking it through a tincture, the super-concentrated form of cannabidiol that’s typically consumed in a small ML dropper.

Multiple studies have recorded the general benefits of CBD to the body. However, much isn’t yet known as to how much the product relates to athletics performance directly. 

As a result, it’s safer to be skeptical of products that guarantee you results in athletic performance. Do your due diligence before purchasing any CBD product.

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If you find one that delivers on its promise of enhancing your workouts without significant effects, stick by it since it may also be valuable to your health. Again, insist on pure CBD products as adulterated contents may implicate you during a drug test or fail to deliver any results.