Can You Take Steroids Safely?


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According to the Guardian, in 2018, up to 1 million people in the United Kingdom used injectable steroids or Oral Steroids. People take steroids safely for all manner of reasons. These include altering body image and improving physical performance.

Furthermore, the most common anabolic steroid users are 20-24-year-old males. A 2019 study from UKAD also states 34 percent of gym users are aware of steroid use in their gym. Out of all the performance-enhancing drugs – steroids are the most common. 

Steroids play a massive role in modern society. Many people believe steroids are dangerous, but can you take them safely? Let’s find out.

What are steroids?

People use steroids for many different reasons, but the primary purpose of steroids is to boost testosterone. Fitness enthusiasts and athletes often use steroids for muscular gain. These are the most popular usage reasons. 

Yet, medical professionals also prescribe steroids for serious health complications. People who are suffering from muscle-loss due to cancer or AIDS sometimes use steroids, and these are called “legal steroids.”

Doctors tend to prescribe low doses of anabolic steroids for a short time until the condition improves. If the steroid doesn’t come from a doctor’s prescription, people call them “illegal steroids.”

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Anabolic Steroid Side-Effects

Firstly, let’s look at the known side-effects of using anabolic steroids. 

Cardiovascular Damage 

Medical professionals state that using anabolic steroids causes cardiovascular damage. The damage includes high blood pressure and an increased possibility of heart attacks. Also, an increase in artery damage, strokes, and decreased function of the heart ventricles. 

Hormonal Damage

Steroids can cause hormonal damage. The damage includes decreased testosterone and shrinking of testicles. The hormonal damage often leads to erratic mood swings and reported depression. Also, irreversible changes to male breast development and male-pattern baldness.

Liver Damage 

Medical professionals have associated liver damage with the misuse of anabolic steroids. The damage has led to tumors and liver damage. Also, an uncommon condition called peliosis hepatis – where blood-filled cysts grow in the liver. Liver damage is typical for oral users of steroids. 

Skin Issues

Another common steroid side effect is skin issues, such as acne and oily skin. Many steroid users struggle from massive acne breakouts in strange areas. It is not uncommon to have vast acne on your back or chest from steroid use. Moreover, you can find pain and abscess formation at the injection sites. 

Negative withdrawal symptoms 

According to medical professionals, withdrawal symptoms after you stop taking steroids are a problem. Symptoms may include fatigue and loss of appetite. Also, it is common to suffer from sleep issues and decreased sex drive. 


Many medical professionals suggest that anabolic steroids are addictive. Users with steroid addiction will crave the drug and create withdrawal symptoms after they stop using. 

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Also, the user will continue to use despite the known side-effects and evident damage. Addictive users may suffer from depression and anxiety after stopping usage. Furthermore, muscle and joint pain aren’t uncommon due to addiction. 

The best way to take steroids safely

So you have seen the potential side-effects of steroids, and you still want to buy steroids UK? There are many ways to take steroids. The primary two ways of taking steroids are oral or injection. 

If you are taking injectable steroids – here are some helpful tips for doing it safely.

Rotate the muscles you inject into 

It is vital to rest your muscles between injections. You need to rotate the muscles you inject because injecting the same muscle could cause significant muscular issues. Also, it would help if you never injected it into the skin that looks bruised, lumpy, or a strange color. 

Evade injecting steroids into smaller muscles

Steroids work on your whole body – not just the muscles you are injecting into. It would be best if you didn’t inject into smaller muscles. Many steroid users will inject into their gluteus maximus muscles. Besides, putting injectable steroids into small muscles can cause nerve damage, which you do not want. 

Always use the correct needle and the right barrel.

You should always use a sterile needle every time you inject. If you do, you will reduce the risk of injuries and infections. It is good never to share needles because it will increase the risk of catching blood-borne viruses like AIDS and hepatitis C. 

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Furthermore, you should use a blue needle because a blue needle is long-enough to inject the fluid without hitting bones. You shouldn’t use a barrel bigger than 2ml; that could lead to injecting too much fluid. 

Inject into the correct muscles

Can You Take Steroids Safely

The safest places to inject steroids are in your shoulder, thigh, or buttock muscles. The safest method is the buttock muscles because there is a wide range of areas to inject without hitting the sciatic nerve in the center of your buttock. 

In addition, the thigh muscles and shoulder muscles are the next best areas. If you inject it into your shoulder – you should inject it into your outer shoulder muscle. The thigh muscle is similar, be sure to inject it into your outer thigh. 

The other alternative is to take Oral Steroids, although oral steroids are riskier because they can cause liver damage. However, here are some tips for doing it more safely.

Watch your dosage

If you decide to orally use steroids, you should make sure you’re taking the right dosage and doing your research. The biggest downfall to taking oral steroids is liver damage, and if you use the incorrect dosage – you will put yourself at a higher risk of liver damage. 

Look after your diet.

You should make sure you’re eating and drinking healthy if you take oral steroids. The additional stress on your internal organs, such as your liver, from taking oral steroids requires a healthy diet and alcohol moderation. 


Can you take steroids safely? Highly debatable, but you can take steroids more safely if you are careful and stick to the guidelines. However, the side-effects of steroids are always a risk and taking steroids in a 100-percent safe manner is something nobody can guarantee.
