Commercial Roofing Materials & Average Life Expectancy

Home Improvement & Decor

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How long does a commercial roof last? That depends greatly on the materials you select. In this infographic from Skywalker Roofing, we survey 13 roofing material options with their respective lifespans.

Commercial Roofing Materials & Life Expectancy

Choosing the right material for your commercial roof is very important. Here are just a few that we cover in the infographic:

  1. Modified Bitumen 

Modified bitumen roofing starts with build-up roofing and then adds some polymer-reinforced layers. It takes some specialized labor to install, but provides reliable results. The average life expectancy is around 20 years.

  1. Asphalt Shingles 

Shingle won’t work on a large flat roof, but they can work on other commercial roof styles. Shingles are popular for residential roofing, but they’re also viable for some commercial applications. The average life expectancy is around 20 years.

  1. EPDM Roofing 

Also known as rubber roofs, EPDM is a popular choice for commercial flat roofs. One drawback is that sometimes it tends to absorb heat easily. The average life expectancy is around 25 years.

  1. Green Roofs 

What if there were a way to cover and protect your roofing membrane with something attractive and sustainable? Planting roof vegetation can improve insulation and also extend your roof life. Green roofs can last upwards of 50 years.

  1. Wood Shakes 

Wood shakes aren’t for every commercial roof, but they can work if your roof has enough slope. Wood shake roofing are eco-friendly, naturally beautiful, and can deliver a life expectancy of around 30 years.

  1. Concrete Tiles 

If your commercial roof is sloped, then concrete is also worth a look. Concrete tile performs like slate, but weighs less and puts less stress on your roof’s infrastructure. The average lifespan for concrete tile is 50 years!

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Check out the complete infographic from Skywalker Roofing to learn more!