Dangers of Distracted Driving


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The popularity and advent of wireless devices have had some unintended and, at times, deadly consequences. A surprising number of traffic accidents are associated with distracted driving, including the use of mobile phones, leading to loss of lives and injuries.

Although stowing your cellphone as you drive is a vital safety step, other odd behaviors behind the wheel, including using navigation systems and eating a snack, can also put you in great danger.

The truth is that everything, which occupies your mind may contribute to distractions while driving. Many distracted driving studies concentrate mostly on the use of mobile phones, but any kind of multi-tasking activity while driving doesn’t mix.

Types of Distracted Driving

There are several forms of distractions, which can commonly affect many drivers. Many drivers get affected by cognitive, manual, and visual distractions.

Manual distractions involve those that make drivers remove their feet from the pedals and hands off the steering wheel. When any distraction makes you look away from the vehicles around you and the road, it is referred to as a visual distraction.

However, anything, which makes your thoughts concentrate on something else other than driving, this distraction is called cognitive, including:

  • Daydreaming
  • Reliving arguments that happened in the office
  • Thinking of evening plans

Distracted Driving and Teens

Knowing the facts and statistics regarding teen distracted driving may help many families handle this crash risk. Driving while distracted may make it hard to react during potential accidents, particularly for a teen driver.

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Beyond sharing statistics and facts about the risks of distracted driving, parents must model safe driving models. They can achieve this by using their cell phones while driving.

Distracted Driving Penalties and Laws

Regardless of not having federal laws, text messages and phone calls are among the common types of distracted driving. Around 71% of distracted driving accidents result from using smartphones, while the remaining percentage stems from smoking, drinking, and eating.

According to every reliable distracted driving accident lawyer, the law about this offense is effective up to three months before implementation.

It is important that every state widely communicate the dangers and laws of distracted driving to demonstrate its seriousness. However, most states rarely communicate their changes, bans, and penalties for drivers to know.

Some laws restrict school bus drivers and teenagers from using their mobile phones while driving, whereas others prohibit smartphone use in school and work zones. Failure to do that, you may attract the following penalties and charges:

  • Legal action
  • Fines
  • Increased insurance rates

Risks of Distracted Driving

According to the NHTSA, one in five accidents, which lead to the death of people involve distracted driving. Distractions will always surround drivers on the roads, including everything from using GPS navigation systems and cellphones to radio and billboard advertisements.

It just takes two seconds to crash your vehicle because of any distracted driving. It might look innocent enough to look at a text message from your significant other, but those seconds of looking away may mean your life.

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Closing Remarks!

One underlying issue with distracted driving is public perception. The public knows that driving while drunk is wrong.

Only a few have a better understanding of how risky it can be to drive with many distractions around you.

Education remains the key to stop the risks of distracted driving. Among the best ways to avoid distracted driving accidents is to make the public aware of the risks.