Get to Know All About Scabies Treatment In Chennai


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Skin infections are on the rise due to various environmental and lifestyle factors in Chennai. Excessive pollution, stress, and irregular eating habits have given rise to a plethora of skin ailments. One of the common skin infections being treated in the city is scabies. The treatment of scabies requires regular checkups and hence may become heavy on the pocket. On the other hand, with the pandemic, physical consultation has become quite tricky. It is wise to book a consultation using a health card online. You not only get the benefit of specialist doctors but also affordable consultation fees.

What Is Scabies?

A mite known as Sarcoptes scabies causes skin infection-Scabies. If left untreated, these minuscule mites can make your skin their home for months. Mites reproduce on the top layer of your skin and later on burrow and lay eggs into it. Due to which a red, itchy rash appears on the surface of the skin. In the world, there are about 150 million scabies cases every year. This condition can be easily transmitted from one person to another via skin contact. Hence, it is highly contagious, but it is not a sexually transmitted disease. One can also get it by wearing or sleeping on infested clothing or bedding.

What Are The Symptoms Of Scabies?

According to a Chennai dermatologist, scabies can be troublesome, but effective treatments eliminate them. The first and foremost thing is to know whether it is scabies or any other rash. The symptoms of scabies can take up to six weeks to show after the initial exposure. Usually, one can identify with a rash with intense itching that worsens during the night. You can see sores due to continuous itching. In adults, scabies’ common sites are the wrist, armpit, elbow, waist, arms between fingers, etc. Whereas in babies, it happens on the head, neck, face, hands, and soles of the feet.

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What Causes Scabies?

As discussed, scabies is caused by a microscopic eight-legged mite. Until the symptoms show up, you will not know that your skin is a shelter for them. The most common cause of scabies is direct skin contact. Other significant causes of scabies are infested furniture, bedding, and clothes. Usually, an infestation can spread quickly in facilities such as hostels, nursing homes, and schools where people live close. Hence, avoid crowded places and make sure you get your room disinfected before for lesser chances of skin infections such as scabies.

Who Are Prone To Scabies?

Many people harbour the wrong notion that you get scabies when you do not maintain proper skin hygiene, which is hardly the case. Anyone can get scabies. Regardless of your age, social status, region, colour, etc. And how often you take a shower does not determine whether you can get scabies or not. Usually, toddlers and young children are more susceptible to close contact with other children in childcare facilities. Similarly, people living in crowded environments are likely to have scabies due to crowdedness. On the other hand, older adults get it due to weakened immune systems.

What are the Various Treatments For Scabies?

 A person can take the help of both allopathy treatment and home remedies to get relief from scabies. Let’s look into medical treatments first.

Medicated Ointments

Scabies treatment focuses on eliminating the infestation with topical ointments, creams, and lotions. As per a dermatologist in Chennai, prescribed ointments should be applied at night all over the skin from the neck down for effective results. The most common ones are :


5% permethrin cream

10% sulfur cream

25% benzyl benzoate lotion

Oral Medication

Though there aren’t any oral medications that can eliminate the infection, they can relieve other symptoms such as itching and swelling. Usually, doctors prescribe antihistamines and steroid creams to tackle the itch, whereas antibiotics are given to kill any new infection caused by constant itching.

Now, let’s look at a few home remedies that soothe the skin during scabies.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has been found to treat itching and toning down severe rashes. Hence, it may be beneficial in eliminating scabies. However, it will not work effectively on the mites burrowed deep in your skin.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera gel is famous for its ability to heal burnt skin and ease any skin irritation. According to research, this gel was found effective in treating scabies as well. Just make sure you get your hand on pure aloe gel and not an infused product.

Wrapping Up

Scabies is not a deadly or severe skin ailment but can be exceptionally bothersome and embarrassing. Consult a dermatologist in Chennai using a health card online for affordable treatment at the comfort of your home.