How can a trade union help you out?


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It is now very important to join a trade union. There are many ordinary individuals who are finding it difficult to make ends meet. A trade union is able to fight for working people allowing them to get a fairer share of profits. This will result in a healthy economy as well as a stable society. The following tells you of some ways that a trade union can help you out:

Wages and benefits

It has been claimed that those workers who are in some trade unions can earn more in comparison to the non-unionized workers. The trade union will employ its collective muscle so as to bargain for one to get better salaries, pensions, more holidays, health insurance, etc.

Trade unions are able to go into negotiations with the management. This can result in them being able to get the best deal for the employees. You will not have to do this yourself.


Unions are with you. They are able to tell you what your rights are. Many workers do not know about these. For example,            you may not know what long service leave entitlements in NSW are. The trade union will even defend your vital rights. If an employer does not treat you in a fair way, you can rely on the support and also expert representation from the union.

The trade union rep tends to be a trusted individual who you can turn to at the time that you are unhappy at work. The workplace is now being transformed by automation as well as robotics. Trade unions are demanding that training and lifelong learning plus social protection be given to workers so that they can transition to this new world.

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More equality

Trade unions are able to champion equal rights along with equal pay. You can expect them to fight discrimination against things like race, gender, disabilityalong with secularorientation. Respect and dignity can be fostered in the workplace.

Maternity rights and flexible working plus paternity pay is promoted by trade unions. This allows caring responsibilities to be shared. Today you will see that some of the largest trade unions are actually led by women. Unions are even actively encouraging women plus young individuals to have leadership roles within union structures.

Healthy plus safety

A unionized workplace will be safer. The reason is that trade unions will not risk the lives of workers so as to fulfill production targets and save the business money.

If you have the backing of a powerful union, you may feel confident in telling the employer that you do not want to work in dangerous conditions without ending up losing your job. A trade union is involved in campaigning for safer working conditions.

From the above you can tell that there are many benefits that a trade union has. Look at the different ones in your country and see what they offer. You can join the one that will be able to provide exactly what you require.