Tips & Tricks

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Many states in the US have long started the use of medical marijuana. As time goes by, more and more states are Okaying the recreational use of marijuana. So, it is only natural that people will try marijuana and cannabis products from time to time. But most employers would not want their staff to be high on marijuana because weed can have a numbing effect on people. When one is high on grass, he is unable to work to the best of his ability. In addition, employees may lose their job if they do not pass the random drug test. Continue reading this article to learn more about how drug tests work. 

Urine Analysis: You might be familiar with the most common form of drug test done in the office, the urine test that intrudes on intimate bodily privacy. Unfortunately, one of the most common misconceptions about drug urine testing is that it detects drug-impaired workers. In contrast, the test primarily detects past drug use that hardly has any relation to on-the-job performance.

Blood Tests: Another way to ensure the presence of THC in the body is to conduct a blood test that detects the presence of the substance more accurately than a urine test. Within seconds after smoking, THC is detectable in one’s blood. So, if one smokes marijuana two to three hours before taking the blood test, it will most definitely register in the blood test. However, chronic weed smokers will show positive for having a higher level of THC in their bodies. 

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Hair Tests: With the advent of modern technology, it is well possible to detect drug use by testing a single hair. A hair testing can detect drug use for months, or however long one’s hair has been growing. The average hair grows half an inch per month. Therefore, an inch and a half of hair can detect THC use for around 90 days. 

  • Hair is highly sensitive to the use of cocaine and other hard drugs, but hair’s sensitivity to marijuana is still underwhelming. Therefore, an employer is not likely to go for a hair test to check for marijuana consumption. 
  • Hair tests can be influenced by shampoo. For example, one test found hair treated with Head & Shoulders® (Fine/Oily), Neutrogena®, and Rave® displayed lower drug concentrations. 

Mouth Swab Tests: Mouth swab tests are gaining popularity because they can be done easily without being intrusive. In addition, these tests are likely to provide accurate information regarding the current use. However, for the detection of long-term use, this is not the best option to go. Law enforcement prefers mouth swab tests to determine if someone is operating a vehicle under the influence.

Now that you know different types of drug tests and how they are done, you might be looking for ways to pass a drug test. Maybe your employer has given a notice of an upcoming drug test, and you are wondering how to successfully pass an office drug test. Do not worry! There are ways to flush toxins out of your system and detoxify your body. There are home remedies to gradually eliminate toxins and store-bought Detoxification kits that work faster. Depending on your need of the hour, be sure to check out different options from online stores. 

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