How to choose the best hand sanitizer?


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With the global pandemic has come the increased usage of hand sanitizers.It has become like an item you cannot do without. Today you must carry it with yourself wherever you go. But why use a hand sanitizer over soap? It is so because a hand sanitizer gel or a hand sanitizer spray kills more bacteria as compared to soaps. Also, it is way gentler than washing hands with soap again and again. The increased demand for hand sanitizers has also pushed up its supply. Today we see more and more brands selling their own sanitizer gels and sprays, many being absolutely new in the industry. Therefore, it becomes very important that we purchase sanitizers with utmost care.

  • pointers for buying the best hand sanitizer gel or a hand sanitizer spray:
  1. Sufficient alcohol content: You must be sure about its alcohol content. According to WHO and CDC (Centre for Disease Control and Prevention) sanitizers with alcohol content of more than 60% should be preferred. Around 60-85% alcohol content in pocket hand sanitizers can kill 99.9% of germs and viruses.
  2. Check the type of alcohol used: There are 2 types of alcohol that are being used to make hand sanitizers—Isopropyl Alcohol and Ethyl Alcohol. According to reviews, Ethyl Alcohol falls gentler on the skin and should, hence, be preferred over the former.

  3. Should be skin-friendly: With time, sanitizer manufacturers have also upped their game. Many have come with their own herbalized formulas. Picking a hand sanitizer gelwhich has skin-nourishing ingredients such as Neem, Tulsi, Aloe Vera, Rose Water or Blueberry juice, etc., therefore, would make for a good buy. Use it as many times you want without your hands going rough and dry.

  4. Zero residues and rinse-free: Indus Valley hand sanitizer gel or hand sanitizer spray should sanitize without leaving any residues behind. It should also not require any further rinsing. Along with these self-checks you can also choose the one with the best fragrance. Check out which brand is able to please your olfactory senses the best and go for that one.
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When to use?

  1. Before moving out and stepping inside your house, office, malls, food courts, etc.
  2. Follow social distancing. But in case you shake hands with someone remember to sanitize your hands.
  3. Sanitize after you touch an unknown surface or object especially when those objects are outside your home.
  4. Sanitize immediately after you receive any parcel. Don’t forget to sanitize the parcel too. There are other kinds of sanitizers, called multi-surface sanitizers, which are meant to clean non-living items. Always keep it handy along with your hand sanitizer gel or spray.
  5. Also, whenever you feel your hands are dirty and there’s no access to wash hands, use a sanitizer. Just pull out your pocket hand sanitizer, spray it all over your hands up to your elbows and rub to remain virus-free.

How to use a hand sanitizer gel?

  1. Pour a coin sized drop of the sanitizer gel on your palms.
  2. Rub it properly on both the palms of your hands, back of the hands and between the fingers.
  3. You won’t have to wash your hands. The product will dry out on its own and you will be free from germs.
  4. Do not consume the hand sanitizer. Keep it away from your eyes and any external cuts in the body.

Just this single step towards keeping yourself away from the deadly virus can eventually benefit everyone around you.

Stay safe! Stay home!