How to Get More Instagram Followers and Likes? Some Expert Tips

Digital Marketing

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Instagram has now become the cornerstone of promotional activities for many brands and marketers. It not only helps you to enhance the social presence of your brand but also to drive more profitable traffic to your landing pages, increase conversions, and also helps build a highly engaging audience. If you find that your Instagram presence is not quite as strong as you want it to be, it is time to learn how to enhance your strategies for getting true organic followers on Instagram. A larger number of audiences now find better opportunities on Instagram to engage with brands and have a unique experience, which marketers can leverage for better returns.

Sharing the distinction between organic and inorganic promotions is important. Sometimes, brands are looking for smart and easy ways while trying to buy followers, like paying for likes and for other third-party sites, but these shortcuts may not be worthwhile over the longerrun. The Instagram algorithm is regularly getting updated in order to wade out all these types of paid practices.

The number of Instagram following is increasing multifold for the last couple of years, which means nothing to you if it does not reflect in an engaging fan following for your account. You should try and leverage this growth for the purpose of increasing the number of visitsto your landing pages or to enhance your sales figures etc. You should strive to build your presence the right way on Instagram, for which we will discuss some tips here.

Ways to increase followers on Instagram

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Optimize your account

Before you start with any activities on Instagram to get more followers, the most important and primary step is to set up your account in an optimized manner. You can consider the Instagram bio of your brand as the homepage of your website. Without a proper bio, catchy image captions, a portfolio image, etc., people may not be able to recognize your account and brand. This seems to be a very obvious step, but you may fail to think it out the right way. Bio sets an image about your brand, which helps you to form the foundation of your brand identity. You can also add a link on your bio, which is one spot to reroute Instagram traffic to your landing pages. So, optimizing your account for all these is essential for successful Instagram promotions.

If you are uncertain where to put a link, you can set it for the product pages or marketing pages that relate to the specific keywords, campaigns, or hashtags on your Instagram account; linking to the homepage is also okay, but you may try to give a better experience to users while moving from your Instagram bio to the website. Adding to this, you may also keep your search-friendly usernames also as possible, which means that they will stick closely to your brand name. You may also do not add any number or other special characters to your username. It is also possible to keep in line with the other social media platforms you maintain. The best approach to optimize the account is to make and follow a solid Instagram marketing strategy. You can also get some guidance for doing it well.

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Maintain a proper calendar to post consistently

One of the worst things you may tend to do while trying to make more followers on Instagram is to post content in a haphazard way. If you are lucky enough to get more users following you at the beginning, you may not want to make them forget that they followed you at the first point. In order to combat this, we have to keep a regular schedule for posting content. Typically, the brands should not post more than a few times a day in order to avoid any spamming, but whatever your schedule is, maintain consistency with it. More than about 200 million Instagram users log into this platform daily, so you have to cast your content even wider through Like4Like Hashtags etc., and try to publish a few times throughout the day at the max.

In fact, research done by expert agencies shows the fact that the most appropriate time to post on Instagram varies among different industries. You can follow the best practices as put forth by the research agencies specific to your industry in order to identify the best times to post your content.

Sticking to a proper schedule will also help you to build a consistent experience for the followers. They will find your brand more engaging and professional by having such a structure. But you may be wondering how you will be able to remember the publishing at different times of the day as you wanted to do it. There are many tools available which will help you to optimize your Instagram posting by setting intervals, reminder, and auto-scheduling features.

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Scheduling the posts in advance

Even though the Instagram algorithms are getting more streamlined to show the uses the content they like the most, posting at the right time still gives your post more visibility. It can also help increase the engagement of your followers. There are a lot of things you can do to raise your visibility, and with Instagram posting tools, you can now schedule content in advance. By doing content scheduling in advance, your team will be able to see all the campaigns and schedule these more efficiently.

It is always a smart way to build content in advance, and with easy Instagram scheduling tools, you will be able to reach your audience better and maintain a consistent content flow along with it. This can also use other analytical tools to identify the most engaging content which works for you the best. It can also analyze the engagement level based on your historical data and identify the optimal content posting schedule for you.