How to Lead a Team Systematically?


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The power of leadership is diverse in the business field. A well-experienced leader is continuously involved in making effective approaches and contributions to develop future leaders, not followers. Leadership refers to the social process of motivating and inspiring colleagues. Good leaders are considered fundamental for the organization’s long-term success. When we talk about the definition of “leadership,” then we need to consider the traits, qualities, competency, capabilities, behavior, and attitude of the leader. As an example of an ideal leader, you can consider Kris Thorkelson Thorwin, a Winnipeg-based entrepreneur with more than twenty-year of experience in the pharmacy sector.

How to Deal With Changing Situations?

Leadership concentrates on directing and influencing the team for a particular target with an effective strategy. Alteration of situations continuously occurs in the business arena, which may distort the spirit of the team. Leaders like Kris Thorkelson make sure to organize the team properly and maintain the motivation to work. Yes, it is hard to manage a team which is going through extreme change but quite simple for an effective leader. Read further to know how leaders like Oprah Winfrey manage their team in challenging situations.

  1. Effective Change Management

Change management refers to leading the activities with a structured process framework and formulating strategies accordingly. Management is crucial to limit the potential risk and measure the impact of change. Leaders support their team to bear the change by giving training and implementing action guidelines for impact reduction. Also, they have to assess the aftermath of implementation by reviewing. The responsibility of a leader includes making the change understandable, increasing communication, job satisfaction, identification and mitigation of risk, trust development, and skill improvement.

  1. Providing Direction 
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Direction setting provides the objective to the teammates. It is the responsibility of the leader to set the direction after prioritizing the goals for the team. They have to give clear and comprehensive instructions to the team. The creation of sense for shared goals is crucial to determine the strategies and move forward with dedication. Direction setting helps the teammates to stay on track by eliminating distractions. Leaders should help the team in times that they need assistance.

  1. Increasing Engagement within the Team

Leaders have to keep their teams focused and organized to deal with the transition. To cope up with change, team engagement is significant. The leaders should focus on creating core values and morals to emphasize the target. Leading with example is a good option to hold the strength of the team by reducing the chances of failure. The employees must be provided with feedback and direct reports on a regular basis. The most effective way to increase engagement is to identify the top performers and reward them after considering their work completion quality.


Not necessarily leaders are always born; ordinary people could make themselves deserving by working on their skills and qualities. A person who is not afraid of increasing responsibilities performs efficiently for the goal is eligible to become a leader. The positive side of change includes unexpected development and opportunities for the team. But leaders are responsible for maintaining coordination and maximize the talents within their team to generate more favorable outcomes.