How To Raise Self-reliant Children By Authoritative Parenting?


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When you choose to parent your kid, the very first thing you will realize is you do not have any prior training on parenthood, and the kid does not come with any instructional manuals too!

So, parents are always trying to figure out the best methods to raise their kids. However, authoritative parents perhaps have it all inbuilt!

Not only do they know the secret of figuring out the best ways to raise a child, but also give a well-disciplined, self-reliant and sensitive human being to society.

So, let’s find out how these parents raise such self-reliant and confident kids. Let’s crack the secret code behind the authoritative parenting style!

What Is Authoritative Parenting Style?

Out of all parenting styles, authoritative parenting is claimed to be the best by child experts. It is a parenting style with reasonable restriction, parental warmth, and a child-centric approach.

However, there are other parenting methods, such as – permissive, uninvolved and authoritarian styles. But authoritative parents support the overall development of the child by picking up the best characteristics of all the parenting styles.

Characteristics of Authoritative Parenting

What are the qualities of authoritative parents? What distinguishes this particular style from other parenting styles?

Parents Are Understanding And Accepting

  • Authoritative parents are thoughtful and understanding by nature. They choose to observe the kid’s overall performance first and then give advice only if the kids need it.
  • Instead of bothering kids constantly about rules and manners they choose to give constructive comments. This helps to raise a self-reliant and well-disciplined child.
  • If things go wrong, these parents are forgiving and do not discipline kids in a regulating manner. They accept the child as they are and try to make them better by nurturing values.
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 Parents Educate Decent Behaviour To Child

  • Authoritative parents teach their kids decent and ethical behavior. Here their emphasis is on nurturing a well-mannered human.
  • They also educate high values and fair practices. Also, they don’t forget to teach the consequences of practicing unethical ways to achieve something in life.

Establish Reasonable Rules And Regulations

  • The key element of the authoritative parenting style is a fair restriction set by the parent and a clear idea of what they require from the child by setting a few rules.
  • If in case the child breaks the rule, parents punish him. But authoritative parents use gentle and smart punishing techniques.
  • These parents avoid physical and emotional abuse while punishing the child. This helps to develop a champion child that does not take punishments and setbacks negatively.

Authoritative Parents Support Overall Growth 

  • The authoritative parenting style supports the overall development of the child and educates the child about the importance of every phase of life.
  • They teach the value of a wholesome and harmonious life to their kids and how to balance different aspects of life.
  • They use smart means to control their kids. Eg, If a child’s screen-life is excessive, they will use a parental control app to limit his virtual life. By doing this they will make their kids understand how to balance screen-life and real-life.

How To Be An Authoritative Parent?

Do you want to raise a confident and smart child? A champion child is self-reliant and empathetic. Do you want these qualities in your child? Then you should inculcate a few key attributes of authoritative parents.

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So, here is how you can be more authoritative in nature, to raise a well-disciplined and wise child.

  • Start infusing high values and wise life lessons in your child. A self-reliant man needs to be wise enough to handle all the odds of life. So, make sure your kid learns the hardest life lessons through you. No matter how bitter these lessons are. Make him understand the reality of life right from his childhood.
  • Discipline your kids by exercising logical ways and consequences. Establish a tempting perk for his achievements and reasonable limits or controls for every violation! Do not entertain his tantrums and apply tender means to discipline him.
  • Never damage your kid’s integrity. Even if you are punishing him, respect him enough so that he does not feel insulted or feared. Never threaten him or try to manipulate him physically and emotionally.
  • Establish a strong foundation of trust, care, and love. Be his non-judgmental friend, support every silly mistake he commits and turn it into a learning opportunity for him. This is how you raise a sensitive yet strong man!
  • Apart from two-way communication, you need to learn to read your child. Observe his behavior and performances and do not nag on every minute thing.
  • Authoritative parents do not run to help the child, whenever he stumbles upon the obstacles of life. Let kids figure out a few things by themselves. Maybe initially he could not perform well, but gradually he will learn ways to outperform.
  • Continuous expression of care, warmth and acceptance helps develop a sense of obedience into the child. Use these authoritative parenting features and raise a well-cultured child
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To sum up, we want to remind a child’s psychology. At times, a child may not listen to you but he observes you. So set the ideal example and be his role model by instilling a few authoritative parenting qualities!