Tips & Tricks

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Life takes unexpected turns at times, proving to all that anything is possible. When you realized that the court verdict would not be in your favor, you were crushed. You don’t want to go to prison; nobody does. But the sad reality is that one cannot escape the court verdict. Resisting a court order will only add more time to one’s sentencing. Read this article as a brief guide to one’s survival in prison.

Get Comfortable: The best advice one can give you is to get comfortable with your situation. You can think ‘you don’t belong here’ all you want, but at the end of the day, get out of the matrix and see the reality. What you can do is to make the best out of your prison experience so that you may get released early on parole. 

  • If you have a few days before you are taken to prison, make a list of books you would like to read while in prison. Now in federal prison, you can only receive books from the publisher or the sellers such as Therefore, take a subscription to your favorite magazine online to stay in touch with the reality outside. 
  • You will not get access to the best medical treatment in prison. You will, however, have the opportunity to get a healthcare facility in prison. Therefore, be sure to visit your dentist before you are sent to prison for a long time. You may consider going for a full-body physical check-up to stay updated on your health condition. 
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Avoid Confrontations: You have seen enough movies and TV shows to know that confrontations in prison are never a good thing. You don’t want to be beaten to death, do you? Therefore, it is better to mind one’s own business without getting involved in unnecessary conflict. 

  • Don’t stare at the prisoners. No one likes to be stared at. When you are walking in the prison facility, walk straight with your gaze on the floor. 
  • Don’t be a snitch because everyone despises a snitch in prison. If you find out some illegal activities, pay the incident no mind and carry on with your daily routine. 
  • Don’t ask anyone why they are in prison because questions like these make people feel uncomfortable. They might get frustrated and attack you physically. 

Take Care of Health: You will have a lot of time at hand while in prison. Therefore, utilize this time to be physically and mentally fit. Since the prisoners are all locked up in a limited area, maintaining distance during the COVID-19 pandemic is hard. Many inmates got affected by covid-19 in federal prison since they hardly had access to their private space. Maintaining social distancing protocol is next to impossible in jail. But you must find the silver lining somehow. There are countless examples of people writing life-changing books in prison as they had time to clear off their minds and were able to think clearly. Inmates may also get in good shape using the prison gym facility. Though it is hard to get the most nutritious food in prison, try to eat healthy as much as possible. 

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