How to use foreplay too spice up your relationship


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Sex alone won’t keep the relationship, even if the relationship is based on sexual intimacy alone. Several other factors need to be considered and adopted in the relationship to complement the sex. If your relationship lacks some of these complements, the relationship might crumble as time goes on. Instead, it is essential to note that the impact of foreplay in any relationship can never be over-emphasized or underplayed. This is because, contrary to what you might have defined as foreplay, it is the fuel that keeps a relationship together and helps strengthen intimacy. 

Most individuals, however, believe relationships thrive on sex, forgetting that sex without foreplay will look more like an exercise than a connection that should be enjoyed by both partners involved. So, the difference between foreplay and sex must be established. However, they are linked. So, if you want to enjoy sexual intimacy with your partner or want the sex not to get boring easily, you must first understand the importance of foreplay and how to engage in erotic foreplay with your partner to keep them interested. 

Here are some ways to use foreplay to spice up sexual intimacy and relationship. 

Table of Contents

Don’t rush into it:

Most individuals see foreplay, not for themselves but for the benefit of their partner. This is a very wrong assumption and could lead to the fall of the relationship. You don’t have to engage in foreplay if you think it’s for your partner’s benefit alone. Instead, sit down and have a chat with your partner regarding what needs to be done and how you both can come to agree with one another. That your partner enjoys, foreplay is one reason why you should enjoy it too. 

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Learn from porn videos:

Using foreplay to spice up your relationship will mean you understand the sexual know-how of the entire concept. Since it’s impossible to give what you don’t have, you and your partner must learn from the right source. This could be achieved by reading online porn content like this or watching HD porn videos on reputable sites. The more you consume these contents, the better you understand why you need to add foreplay to your sexual relationship. 

Slow and steady does it:

You shouldn’t set a time. Most people believe apportioning time to foreplay makes it better and more structured. It shouldn’t be structured. Instead, it should come from improvisation, making it even more interesting. Your partner’s zero ideas of what your next foreplay move might be or would make it even more adventurous. So, don’t make the mistake of rushing the foreplay. Take it slow and steady if you don’t want to ruin it.