How Your Bedroom Design Can Affect Your Quality of Sleep

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Your sleep has an inevitable role in shaping your life. It improves your ability to concentrate, eliminates the risk of developing chronic diseases, and enhances your immunity. Overall, it aids in the improvement of your physical and emotional wellness.

 Many factors determine the quality of your sleep. You would have experienced times where despite sleeping for long hours, you end up feeling tired. Ever wondered what is happening here? Having the recommended amount of sleep doesn’t always reflect the quality of your sleep. Your sleep schedule, chronic diseases, excessive screen time, and your bedroom design are a few of the factors that determine your sleep quality.

 Here we will discuss how your bedroom design affects your sleep.

 Bedroom Design for a Quality Sleep

 A calmful and relaxed setting is ideal for a bedroom. You should eliminate anything that obstructs sleep quality at any cost. 

 Type of Mattress

 A mattress should never compromise quality. Ones that are too hard and too soft are both uncomfortable to the body. The former puts more pressure on the body, and the latter tends to let the body sink in, leading to back pain. The thickness of the mattress is another crucial factor. A sufficient thickness is necessary to support your body and to conform to the body contours. There are many factors that one should remember before selecting the mattress thickness. They are the number of sleepers, their sleeping style, and their physique.

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For a good sleeping experience, you can go for mattresses that improve your comfort, such as that with extra padding. The main difference between Euro-top and Pillow-top mattresses is the location of attachment of the extra padding. The Euro-Top mattress has padding fitted beneath the bed cover. But, in the Pillow-top mattress, the padding is stitched on top of the mattress in Pillow-top.

Type of pillow

Pillows help align your head and neck with your spine, thereby helping you maintain a correct posture. Its filling material should be one that doesn’t lead to heat build-up. So, wool, cotton, and memory foam are ideal. Depending on your sleeping style, you can select personalized pillows. Such as that available for side sleepers and stomach sleepers.

  Type of bedding materials

The fabric of the bedding material should be comfortable. Cotton is best suited for most people. The ones with soft-tone are ideal. Select breathable blankets that allow air circulation and do not cause any heat build-up. Also, remember to consider the moisture-absorbing properties of the fabric. Heavy-weighted blankets are also helpful in falling asleep faster. People are now choosing these blankets over the conventional ones. Before purchasing one, you should remember that it doesn’t weigh more than 10% of your body weight. Incase if you are looking for comfortable and healthy sleep then must opt for bed wedge for gerd and feel the difference.

Also, make sure to maintain a clean and tidy bed cover and blanket. You can also use any kind of fragrances if you would like to. This can help you create a fresh bedroom setting.

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 Bedroom furniture

The furniture such as the bed should have good quality. It should have enough strength to support the weight of the sleepers. Ones that do not have sufficient quality may produce unwanted noise even for the slightest movement of the sleeper, resulting in interrupted sleep. In such cases, you can lay down sound-absorbing materials on the floor below the furniture.

Selecting a bed height is dependent on how tall or short the sleeper is. A short sleeper will find it hard to climb onto the bed whenever sleepy. Going to sleep shouldn’t be a difficult task. Instead, it should be a welcoming experience.

 Color of wall paint

Lighter wall colors produce the vibe of a calmful environment. One can fall asleep faster in such an environment. The ones with a soft tone such as blue, green, and yellow are ideal.


The bedroom lighting should be preferably dim. Production of the sleep hormone, Melatonin takes place better in a darker environment. And its production is inhibited under bright light. A few colors that are best for a bedroom are blue, yellow, and green.

Mobile phone usage is not encouraged around your sleep hours as the blue light radiated from the screen can delay your sleep. You should stop using mobile phones and watching television at least half an hour before sleep.


Sleep settings should have sufficient air circulation. According to research conducted at Eindhoven University, allowing a better airflow decreased the carbon dioxide levels, which drastically improved the sleep quality. Proper ventilation also helps to regulate the temperature. The too hot or too cold environment may disturb your sleep.

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Signs that indicate a poor sleep quality

 Many signs indicate a poor sleep quality. You can examine your sleep quality by checking on these signs.

  • It is impossible to fall asleep within 30 minutes of going to bed
  • You wake up from sleep frequently
  • After every interrupted sleep, you take more than 20 to 30 minutes to fall asleep
  • You don’t feel recharged when you wake up from sleep
  • You struggle to concentrate on your tasks
  • Even mundane day to day tasks seem difficult to accomplish
  • You start discovering changes in your eyes, such as red eyes, puffy eyes, and eye bag
  • You seem to put on weight


 By now, you know the importance of sleep, and various factors that determine your sleep quality include the bed designs. It is your turn to act now! Do whatever is necessary to develop your sleep quality. Trying to eliminate the obstructions may not be as easy as it sounds. It may involve difficult and expensive tasks such as changing the mattress or reducing your daily intake of tea and coffee.

Whatever it may take, do not forget to take tiny steps to improve your sleep habits.

Author Bio:
Larry Alton is a blogger and passionate writer at She loves cooking and is fond of traveling.