Hypoallergenic Baby Formulas Guide


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Obviously, the best food for a baby under one year of age is breast milk. It contains components that help strengthen the baby’s immune system and protect against allergies. But if the mother does not have enough milk or no milk at all, the only option is mixed or formula feeding. Formula-fed babies with a family history of allergy are at high risk (especially when other factors are present as well). It is very important to prevent allergies in such cases. Pediatricians generally recommend hypoallergenic formulas for babies prone to allergies. How are they different from standard formula feeds?

What causes allergies in babies?

Cow’s milk is the main component of basic baby formulas. It is known that milk protein is the most common allergy trigger in infants. Hypoallergenic baby formula contains it in a hydrolyzed (split) form. This technology reduces the allergenic potential of milk protein. The degree of hydrolysis varies. Products that contain the fully cleaved protein are intended for therapeutic nutrition (when allergies are already present). Partially hydrolyzed hypoallergenic formula is prescribed for healthy babies with a preventive purpose. It contains everything necessary for the complete nutrition of infants up to one year of age.

HA baby formula ingredients

Parents can introduce the hypoallergenic baby formula on the recommendation of the pediatrician. Anyway, they should also know what is included in the infant formula. That is why some ingredients are very desirable, while others are better to avoid. The latter include palm oil. It binds in the intestine with calcium and forms insoluble compounds. First, it can lead to constipation. Secondly, calcium is then poorly absorbed, which can impair bone mineralization.

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Such ingredients as prebiotics and breast milk oligosaccharides in the hypoallergenic formula positively affect babies with allergies. Let’s look at why they are so important.


Research scientists have shown that the normal gut microbiota composition is essential for comfortable digestion and immunity, including the prevention of allergies. If the balance is disturbed – there are fewer beneficial bacteria and more harmful ones – the level of protective antibodies and the number of immune system cells decrease in the body, and inflammatory reactions increase.

Breast milk contains substances that help form “good” microflora in the baby’s gut. But when babies are on formula feeding, they are deprived of this natural protection. The balance of microflora is disturbed – because of this. There are digestive disorders, reduced immunity, and conditions for the development of allergies. The solution to this problem can be the use of hypoallergenic baby formula enriched with prebiotics. These are components that help the growth of beneficial flora, such as Bifidus and Lactobacilli. The prebiotic formula usually improves digestion, reduces anxiety associated with colic, and reduces allergies.

Human milk oligosaccharides (HMO)

 Human milk oligosaccharides are one of the most abundant components of breast milk (after lactose and fat). Scientists have proved that oligosaccharides in breast milk are essential for the baby’s immune system, digestive comfort, and allergy prevention.

The primary function of OHM is prebiotic. They serve as a source of nutrition for the healthy intestinal flora and promote its growth. This ensures comfortable digestion.

In addition, the oligosaccharides in breast milk have a protective function:

  • do not allow harmful bacteria and viruses entering the intestine to attach to its walls – thus realizing direct protection against infections;
  • They penetrate the blood and help the immune system cells reduce inflammation, thus strengthening the baby’s overall immunity.
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Because of these properties, infant formulas with breast milk oligosaccharides provide comfortable digestion and immunity enhancement.

Hypoallergenic baby formula

HiPP HA is a special formula for babies with symptoms of sensitivity to proteins in cow’s milk formula. In HiPP HA stage 1, the proteins are broken down into smaller pieces, making them much easier for babies to digest. All of the proteins are whey proteins. There is no casein in this formula. These two combined features can potentially alleviate symptoms such as skin rashes, eczema, bloating, constipation and gas.

HiPP HA Stage 2 is suitable for babies from six months and older with symptoms of milk protein sensitivity. This formula contains organic skim milk, organic lactose, organic vegetable oils, and whey protein hydrolysate to aid digestion. To help strengthen the immune system and gut microbiome, it includes both prebiotics and probiotics and omega-3, omega-6 fatty acids.