Interior Design Ideas to Give Your Home and Garage Eye Catching Look

Home Improvement & Decor

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The helpful home and garage have a functional design and a little bit of DIY mixed in today. To make your home look more eye-catchy, you want to consider all aspects of the invention, from the floor to the walls to the ceiling; no surfaces left untreated. You’ll want to have visual language from the pattern on your feet to the walls’ color. And finally, what’s happening in the ceiling. You don’t want to neglect the ceiling and leave it plain old white. Unless that was your intention, you could always check the ceiling with a color that’s a little bit lighter than the walls. And then, it draws your eye up, and the design looks very intentional in that style. Another simple thing to make a room look completely luxurious is by adding wallpaper. There’s nothing that screams high and looks like a room that’s entirely well covered from wall to wall.

I had to do something about the home and garage because the roof was sagging. But beyond that, the mess that became the tipping point was when I could only get one car in a two-car steel garage and just barely, I would say, the most challenging part about the garage renovation. Unlike your living room, if you make a couple of mistakes, who cares? It’s your garage. It still looks good doing the front of the garage, almost like a kitchen. It’s filled, which means nothing is going down the garage’s side where I need to park the car.

We’re going to talk about it. Nine easy ways to make your house and garage look eye-catching.

  1. Wallpaper
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The visual impact of wallpaper is barred none from painting. If you’ve ever walked into a lovely hotel room and the first thing that you notice was this beautifully textured wall decor that is the power of wallpaper. It makes the room looks elegant, sophisticated, cozy, and very high-end. If you can’t afford to buy wallpaper for an entire room, try wallpapering a small room like a powder room, or you have wallpaper, affordable wallpaper, and one for four walls will indeed have the impact that you’re going for another surefire way to make your home look more expensive.

  1. Layer Lighting

Once you have the general lighting, usually some overhead lighting like recessed lighting, you can layer on more excellent lighting, like a stunning chandelier. Some pendant fixtures hanging down sconces get installed on the walls. And finally, with an attractive table lamp or floor lamp, the idea is to have your eye traveled around the room and let it land and rest on surfaces that you intend to draw the viewer. If you have a stunning gallery wall, if you had some picture lights that were accented on that gallery wall, you’ll draw visual impact to that wall versus you’re not layering lighting at all. And sometimes, that gallery wall falls flat.

  1. Creating Multiple Seating Groups

It helps to make your home feel cozier. I get many questions on designing seating groups, and I have a video on four ways to maximize your living room layout. The idea is to create little seating groups and little zones based on conversation areas you want to design. What is a seating group? A seating group is known as anything with a chair next to it. It could be an only club chair with a lovely little accent table that becomes your favorite reading nook. It could be two chairs facing each other right beside a fireplace, and it’s the perfect place to have a little game table. It could be a more enormous sectional and a few excellent chairs. When you create seating groups in your garage and home, it allows the user to enjoy the area and make your home look more well designed.

  1. Add Architectural Detailing
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Another way to provide your home look more custom at the high end is to add architectural detailing, like molding and trim work. This includes everything from Bazemore into the crown molding. Two beautiful casings around your door, wainscoting, panel molding on the walls, chair railing, anything that you can use to the surface to give it a cosmetic facelift.

  1. Worktable

It is the only thing that is worth keeping in the garage. It should be the perfect size for that space and just having something old and banged up makes it not look so perfect. It provides it a little bit of soul, a little bit of age. I’m going to use the tilt-shift drafting table as the potting shed because then, that way, I won’t get any potting soil on my crafting table.

  1. Layer Your Bedding

It would help if you layered your bedding. You’ll start with the sheet sets and then a blanket and a stunning duvet on top. You can also throw in an excellent pillow in the color of your choice, but you would leave your sheets light, devoid, and bright of any saturated color.

  1. Upgrade Your Hardware

Great hardware always comes in like a brush nipple or brushed aluminum or stainless steel. However, hardware like that usually got it from any hardware store. The simplest way to make it look more eye-catchy is to remove all your hardware and give it a beautiful spring coat, black matte paint.

  1. Window Treatments

Window treatments need not be expensive, but you need to ditch those builder-grade blinds. If you’re looking at your window right now and there’s something plastic hanging from it, you need a tear that sucker down immediately. Nothing gives your home a look cheaper than plastic or vinyl hanging from the ceiling you can replace. That would make soft window coverings, maybe like a beautiful shower curtain followed by blackout debris that gets layered in front of it.

  1. Add Some Creativity
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To give your home a look more custom at the high end, you need to ditch everything that’s built are great while you’re at it. The key to that coveted customer look is with detailed interpretations of really simple installs. Instead of a three-inch backsplash in the back room, try installing tile from the vanity up the walls. Instead of stainless steel hardware in the kitchen, try spray painting them a modern Matlack for a designer finish. Remember that it doesn’t take a whole lot of money to fool the eye into thinking that your home looks like a custom design and more expensive than it is. It would be best if you had some creativity, a pair of fresh eyes.