Clean kitchen: 8 rules for efficient cleaning

Home Improvement & Decor

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The kitchen is the most important place in the house. Here we store food, prepare and eat tasty and nutritious food. It is in the kitchen that all homeworkers come together to share a meal and discuss the latest news and events.

It is not surprising that absolute order should reign here. The first is hygiene considerations. After all, in the kitchen we cook food, which we then eat. Secondly, it simply should be nice to be there, spend time and have a meal.

In the new article, we have compiled for you the basic rules for cleaning the kitchen, which you must know and apply in practice, if you want this room to shine with cleanliness, and it was pleasant to be in it.

1. Do not look for unnecessary reasons for cleaning

Cleaning the apartment, and especially the kitchen, is a very pleasant, but at the same time laborious and easy task. If you do not want to feel like Cinderella and spend several hours in a row with a rag in your hand, then do not create unnecessary reasons to restore order.

Make it a rule to regularly wet the kitchen. Use a rag to wipe work surfaces, a table, do not leave mountains of utensils after you. These simple rules will help save time and energy in the future and not bring the kitchen to a state where it is no longer possible to clean. In addition, it is much easier to find 15 minutes to wipe the stove after each cooking than the time for a full cleaning.

2. Use household chemicals

Today, on store shelves you can find a large number of a variety of cleaning products. The abundance of bright packaging and bottles is so great that sometimes it is very difficult to make a choice. Today, however, household chemicals have fallen into the category of unwanted products. To establish its negative impact on the environment and human health, scientists conduct numerous studies.

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Of course, if there is such an opportunity, it is better not to resort to the services of jars and bottles with chemical contents. However, you need to approach this issue sensibly. At home, you do not use such a large amount of cleaning agent, but for some pollution it is simply necessary. We are talking about stubborn stains, grease and dirt in hard to reach places. If you understand that the case is serious, and want to save time and effort, then miraculous means should not be avoided.

3. Do not neglect natural cleaners.

Some simply cannot imagine their life without cleaning products from store shelves. We have already told you why and in what cases their use is justified. Meanwhile, if you have the opportunity to do without chemistry, then do not use it to use. There are a large number of natural cleaning products that are usually at hand for every housewife. This is lemon juice, vinegar, baking soda. They eliminate stains no less effectively, but at the same time do not represent any harm.

So, vinegar, mixed with water, perfectly cleans work surfaces. Lemon effectively whitens. Soda, in turn, eliminates unpleasant odors.

4. Pay due attention to utensils.

The dishes can be considered the “face of the kitchen.” Therefore, it should be kept clean and washed thoroughly. Residues of burnt food and fat on not fully washed dishes and pans can become a source of the development of microbes and bacteria that will get into other foods during the subsequent use of this dish. Modern cleaning products cope with pollution of any degree of complexity. If the dishes have darkened or stains remain on it, then rub it with baking soda, leave for a while, and then rinse with warm water.

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5. Do not forget about the “harmless” places

The kitchen is the place where you cook food. Every day you process a wide variety of products, including raw meat and raw eggs. That is why cleaning the kitchen must be approached with particular responsibility. After all, as you know, raw foods can be a carrier of Escherichia coli or Salmonella.

Do not jeopardize the health of your family: during cleaning, do not be lazy and wipe even those places and things that at first glance seem quite harmless to you. These include, for example, stove switches, microwave buttons, and any other items that you could touch with your hands.

6. Keep the cold flax clean

A refrigerator is a place to store food, and therefore, it must be perfectly clean. Littering expired products, stains and rotting food waste contaminate its surface, causing the growth of harmful microorganisms and various microbes. To avoid this, wash the refrigerator regularly. Of course, this should not be done every week, but every 2-3 weeks it is simply necessary.

Defrost the refrigerator completely. Remove all food so that nothing remains. Transfer all removable surfaces to the bathtub and wash them thoroughly with cleaning agents, and thoroughly wipe all internal surfaces with a damp cloth. The shelves of the refrigerator on which you put food can be covered with cling film. In the process of subsequent cleaning, you will simply remove it and throw it away.

7. Wash the stove thoroughly

A stove is an equally important item of household appliances than a refrigerator. With its help, the process of preparing tasty and mouth-watering food occurs. It should also be kept in perfect order.

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Make it a rule to wipe the stove every time after using it. This will help you keep the stove clean and not bring it to a deplorable state. If you find difficult to remove impurities, try rubbing them with a mixture of lemon juice and soda – this is an effective cleanser that perfectly removes stains.

8. Pay attention to the sink

The sink and faucet is the place in the kitchen where the largest number of microbes accumulate. This is not at all surprising, because directly from the refrigerator, food gets here, unpacked and subjected to further processing. All the original germs and dirt remain exactly at the sink. Clean and wash this place with special zeal.

To wash this kitchen area, you should choose the most effective means of combating microbes. On the package it should be written that it is antibacterial or antiseptic – then there will be no trace of pollution.

Do not forget about cleaning products from stainless steel. If you like everything to shine and shine, then you absolutely need them. After such funds there will be no fingerprints or other contamination.