Laser marking for tools


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The tooling world was one of the first to make use of laser marking, initially for logos, dimensional and functional data, and then later for traceability.

Precisely because of its functionality, laser marking laser must not make any changes to tool surfaces, but must be impalpable and highly visible, tending toward black. Verification of the marked code is another fundamental step.

There are many types of tools and, over the years, we have specialised in the marking of cutters, drill bits, inserts, blades, circular discs and band saws, making specific machines for different applications.  history in the field of tools began in the 90s with partner ISCAR and, since then, we have gained great experience, creating 27 different types of laser systems to cover the most varied applications.

Precision tooling: cutters, drill bits and inserts

The most suitable laser for marking tools is the active Fiber optic laser.

The marking process for steel tools is generally annealing: the laser heats the surface of the tool locally, generating an oxide layer, which produces an impalpable black.

In the case of carbide or dark coated materials, it is possible to obtain white, impalpable and high-contrast marking by varying the parameters.

DataMatrix or QR-code marking verification

To ensure the traceability of tools, more and more manufacturers are marking tools with a Datamatrix or QRcode code, containing the logo and functional data.

With a vision system, we are able to centre marking, read it and verify its qualities according to reference standards.

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The vision system: depending on the size and geometry of the part to be marked, the vision system can be either TTL (Through The Lens) or side-view.

Grinding wheels and blades

These types of tools are very versatile in terms of application. They can be natural or coated using different treatments.

They can for example be diamond coated – a process necessary to increase their cutting capacity and wear resistance – or else painted to protect them from corrosion.

Grinding wheels, blades and Grinding wheels, blades and discs can be very different sizes.