Medical billing process was a great fatigue for hospital staff for very long time it’s unable to make sense of specific patient record and to check their quires while doctor examined patient repeatedly so hospital administrations comes out from old methods and make proper billing processes for patients.
Then hospital administration get in touch with those companies which make a software for that to make huge number of patient record for very long time, a trained staff save a hundred of patients record without any hesitation and without go to any query.
Unfortunately many of them are not trained in that how to deal with patient they even do not know about current patient disease or previous ones, so with the help of medical billing at least they are in comfort in financial point of as well as record of their involvement in hospital.
US-medical billing companies have a track record to check the progress in exclusive way.
Following the basic steps on which medical billing included:
- Patient Check-in
- Check panel recommendation
- Check eligibility for insurance
- Verification of patient record
- Complete processes of disease Diagnosing, procedure and modifiers
- Charges for Service
- Claim submission for insurance companies
- Payment received by hospital (Dues cleared)
Patient check-in
When patient comes to hospital for examining himself, then check his appointment with relevant doctor then save the demography of patient. If patient visit first time then complete information put as new comer and check the insurance policy of patient. If insured by any policy or a panel based hospital then mention some extra credentials for claims by company or etc. Email id and phone number must be mentioned for upcoming updates or test reports received via these ways. US billing method used proper things to mention the patient whole dates check-in time etc.
Check panel recommendation
By putting details of patient and check whether patient is examined here on panel doctors or physician. If yes the put some extra information for example panel doctor name appointment name etc.
Verification of patient record
In medical billing processes recent updates patient should verify himself by hospital staff as routine check-up or follow-up. If patient wants to verify their bills from company easily got verified without go to deep reasons.
Complete processes of disease Diagnosing, procedure and modifiers
Different insurance companies when claims their bill firstly checked patient profile which type of disease he is suffering and what is the current condition of patient and medicines used. Use CPT to provide extra information about the service or procedure performed. So insurance companies easily make assessments if information exactly corrected. In US billing process a complete Preformat where every disease is mentioned as well as their proper recommendation from doctor.

Charges for Service
This belong to services received by patient in hospital during his stay at hospital. In medical billing the exact services provided by hospitals with charges re mentioned in bills. That’s why easily accessible and demanded with patient affordability.
Claim submission for insurance companies
Once billing was properly done, then the Performa submitted to the insurance companies for further payment.
Payment received by hospital (Dues cleared)
In US billing processes there is clearly mentioned that patient dues are cleared and discharge from hospital. So insurance companies and medical staff sure about their payment have been done.
There are following some basic advantages of medical billing which are suitable for everyone who’s faced the hospital things
- Reduced Patient round to hospital
- Save time for both doctor and patient
- Patient data in secured form
- Increase revenue for paramedical staff
- Efficient Payment cycle
- Reduced labour cost
- Patient care efficient and in well manners
- Updatation of patient record after every round to hospital
Updates in medical Billing due to COVID-19
Due to current scenario of Covid-19 lot of challenges are being faced by medical staff so there are different kind of new updates in medical billing processes.
Medical billing in USA have following new codes for current scenario:
- Tele-Health and Tele-Medicines
- Outsourcing in Medical Billing
- Medical coding and billing for future
- Encouraging virtual relationships that ease medical staff burdens
- Updates the Health portfolios for extra growth
Tele-Health and Tele-Medicines
In these emergency conditions of Covid-19 Tele-health and healthcare telemedicine become a very viable method for both patient and medical staff. Almost in US, 76% Hospital undertaking telehealth consultations. Tele-health is very growing in medical field and 53% sure growth in 2020 year. Therefore US billing processes a great updatation in this field. Tele- health provides a great benefit those who screen patient before emerging into virus or in-person base, while on the other side those whose are daily routine check-up tele-health also provide them a huge benefits in that way.
Outsourcing in Medical Billing
Outsourcing is very reliable in current economic crises, while will help to care the patient in well way and proper billing system to generate high revenue. Different techniques used by Revenue recycle intelligence to generate high growth and come-out to these crises. In this way, Medical Billing companies allow outsourcing revenue cycle management to a third-party which help some cut cost while health care department busy in patient care. Medical billing companies are contact with vendor and track the progress on daily wages.
Medical coding and billing for future
Well know about that 2020 was a unique year, though this amendment in medical billing and coding will ahead for new future. Where we reduce the staff their accuracy in system becomes most important to track the healthcare management system in progressive way. For everyone things get to most worst instead of righteous way , so insurance companies policies changes day by day therefore up to-dates the medical billing process are going to ahead But in the current era a lot of challenges but a light after the every tunnel medical companies like some small setup hospitals and clinics documented the codes for every disease, so in US billing processes used these codes in understanding way and also helpful for insurance companies to check which type of disease mention in front of code and track the progress in different way.
Encouraging virtual relationships that ease medical staff burdens
As we mentioned below that due to covid-19 situation patient have very less chance to get engage with hospital and with specific doctor. So Medical staff used virtual platform to get in touch with patient for check-up. So virtual system always appreciated in that way there is no any fatigue for patient as well doctor both are on their places and stay connected with each other.
Updates the Health portfolios for extra growth In US medical billing processes update the processes of billing due to unique year of 2020. In these conditions update the health portfolios are very important in sense ease the staff make accuracy in system and provide proper track record to companies which make more useful for everyone able to generate the high amount of growth annually.