Simple DIY Hack To Remove Furniture Dents From Rugs


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Area Rugs are no doubt a symbol of elegance, style, and warmth in your home space. So, you need to maintain them with all care. To keep it looking attractive and new. But carpet or rugs demand a lot of attention and care. Like when you keep the furniture on the rug for a longer duration. Thus, it’s so evident that you will expect something odd. As when you uplift the furniture item, there will be some dent or mark on the rug. The dents may be of furniture legs once rested there. 

However, these dents are because of extensive pressure that can be untreatable. But it is not the case. You can correct them by following the simple DIY hacks given down from your area rugs. Thus, make your rug look new.

List Of Content:

Materials You Need

Equipment You Need

DIY Hacks 


Where To Buy High Quality And Affordable Area Rugs?


Materials You Need:

The material you need to remove the dents out of your rugs and carpets. So, these dents or marks are because of heavy pressure from furniture items. Such as;

  • Ice Cubes
  • Water
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Equipment You Need:

The types of equipment or tools you need to remove these carpet or rug dents. Such as;

  • Clothes iron
  • Spray Bottle
  • Towel
  • Vacuum

DIY Hacks :

Below are some simple DIY hacks instructions to remove the furniture dents from your rugs and carpet easily. So, let’s have a look at them.


Take Off The Furniture Items:

You can’t see through the dents with furniture on the rug. So, first of all, you have to remove the furniture items from the rug. And expose the dent for further processing. 

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So, when the rug is exposed, check out the material of rug fibres. Such as the synthetic fibres can be corrected with the help of ice cubes hack. Moreover, the common synthetic rug fibres are nylon, olefin, and polyester.

Protect The Floor Below:

The most important step is to protect the bottom of the rugs. So, you have to take precautions for floor finishing under it. Like if the floor finishing is of wood or other, you need to be extra careful with moisture. Moreover, to protect the floor below, you must spread a towel, rag, or any absorbent material under the rug. So, you can treat the tent without further damaging the floor, etc.

Stuff The Dent With Ice Cubes:

Now it’s time for the real deal. So, use lots of ice cubes to fill up the dents completely. When the ice cubes will melt. The compressed rug fibres will gradually absorb the moisture. Thus, the more moisture the fibers absorb. The more they look fuller and swollen. And then the indentation will be reduced. 

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Moreover, if you’re dealing with multiple dents from rugs and carpets, first, try this hack on the side zone area to check for any colorfastness.

Leave The Dent For Whole Night:

Leave the dent for the whole night to let the ice cube meltdown. So, leave the carpet to absorb water from ice overnight or for 4 hours. Moreover, this will give the fibers enough time to swell and start regaining their original shape and plumpness.

You may also check: Geometric Area Rugs

Blow Dry The Dent Area:

So, when the carpet has absorbed enough water. Now take a clean towel to blot the wet zone with blotting paper or a towel. Thus, to absorb the extra water. The rug must not be fully dried, but it needs to be not much watery. Keep switching to dry zones to absorb enough water. Now, if your towel has absorbed enough water, take out the towel from underneath the floor.

Fluff The Rug Fibers:

If the fibers have regained their original shapes or plumpness. So, you can simply fluff them back into shape by removing the dust traces. Simply use your small coin, spoon to brush up the fluff. Now your carpet or rug fiber has gained multiple directions. To make them stand tall and straighten like the rest of the fibers. Lastly, you can also use any carpet or rug brush or carpet rake to plump or fluff the fibers, and your dent is removed.

Where To Buy High Quality And Affordable Area Rugs?

Suppose you want to buy high-quality and affordable area rugs. There is one trustee brand named Rug Gallery in the USA. So, they sell top-quality, affordable, smooth fibers, a variety of colors, and dimensions of rugs. They will not only support your budget but can truly uplift the home aesthetics.

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In conclusion, area rugs are no doubt the epitome of class and style. They have great benefits, too, like adding warmth, comfort, style, and other potential perks to you all. So, you need to care for and maintain them. But if you place heavy furniture items on your rugs. Thus, they are quite vulnerable to getting dents and stiff marks because of extensive pressure, which makes the carpet look odd. 

So, in the above guide, there was a simple DIY hack to help your rug fibers gain their shape again. Just by using ice cubes, you can make your rug fibers flump again. And make them look like new.