Stuck with an unwanted tattoo? Here`s 5 things you can do

Tips & Tricks

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You might have got inked on your body at some point. Maybe you found the tattoo attractive back then, or you were just too drunk when getting it done. But when the realization strikes that you have a tattoo on your body that you do not like anymore, you can have genuine anxiety dealing with it. Since tattoos are permanent, they can be quite hard to do away with. At least, that is what we have heard people say time and again. But do not worry. 

In this article, we have tried to list down all possible ways you can do away with that unwanted tattoo of yours without wasting enough time. So, now you can say goodbye to that ugly tattoo you dislike and say ‘hi’ to a new one you might love to have in place of the last. 

1. Lemon And Salt 

While Lemon has bleaching properties, Salt has enough Chlorine and Sodium in it. This is why both of them combined can help make your tattoo fade away in no time. This is also majorly because Salt can get skin deep and help eliminate the ink in no time. This is possible because Salt helps to fade out the tattoo easily. 

Also, Lemon juice can help improve the quality of your skin, which can help immensely in the healing process. That is why we highly recommend its use. All you need to do for this is use a Cotton ball and put it on the area where you have the tattoo inked. The Cotton ball should be soaked into the mixture of Salt and Lemon juice at this point. Then, rub it in circles on the same area for at least 30 minutes. Do this gently. However, you must remember that you might get a bit cold because of the constant rubbing on the skin. 

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2. Conceal With A Makeup 

Of course, removing a tattoo requires quite a lot of effort. But if you want to make it easier for yourself without going the hard way, it is best to use some makeup. Yes, makeup can be a very powerful way of hiding that ugly tattoo that you have been wanting to hide from the public for so long. All you need to do is use the right concealer to conceal the tattoo. The best part about this type of makeup is that it can hide just about any size of the tattoo that you may have. That is why we highly recommend you to use it. However, make sure you use the best quality concealer to hide your tattoo. It will make your tattoo look seamlessly hidden and make your body presentable for you all over again. Try it out now. 

3. Home-made Tattoo Removal Cream

In many cases, it has also been found that tattoo removal creams can work exceptionally well to help you get rid of your unwanted tattoo on time. That is why we encourage its use for you. However, we do not recommend you to buy the tattoo removal cream from the local markets as they may include diverse types of chemicals in them. 

On the other hand, using homemade tattoo removal creams can be incredible for you. They do not include any side effects, so you need not worry about any type of skin damage. In fact, natural ingredients like Aloe Vera And Vitamin E capsules will only work wonders for your skin. You need to obtain fresh Aloe Vera pulp and blend it with some Paederia tomentosa juice. Also, Vitamin E capsules needed to be added to it. But it should not be more than two at a time. 

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4. Honey With Salt, Yogurt And Aloe Vera

One of the best concoctions of all time, Honey, Yogurt and Aloe Vera, can severely help in removing your tattoo on time. What is even more useful to know is that both Aloe Vera and Yogurt are highly beneficial for your skin. That is why we recommend their use for your quick healing process once the tattoo fades away. For this, you need to take the pulp of Aloe Vera and mix it with the remaining ingredients. Now, clean the tattoo area where you will put this mixture. Once you do that, put this application gently on it and massage the area gently. Make sure you are not harsh on it at all, as this can trigger skin irritation. When you keep applying this mixture for some time, you will notice that the tattoo begins to fade out soon. That is why we urge you to try it out now and see the effects it has to offer. 

5. Opt For Removery Tattoo Removal 

If all other remedies do not work out for you, we are sure which one will! Removery tattoo removal centre is the best of its kind in Austin, Texas. The brand is a pioneer in laser tattoo removal and fading. In fact, the experts are highly skilled at their job and provide the most exquisite tattoo removal before and after results that you have ever seen. You can opt for their consultation service today to see how they can benefit you. In fact, they also provide comprehensive pre and post-treatment care so that your skin can be restored to its natural quality. So, what keeps you waiting? Try them out now to see the difference they can make for you. 

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Ending Note

Tattoo removal is no easy task. It can take up to days, months and even years to remove it using these natural remedies that we have listed above. But you can be sure that none of these natural remedies will have a negative effect on your skin. In fact, they are more likely to elevate the benefits your skin may receive. Also, if nothing ends up working, we have already told you what will. So, test out your favourite home remedy today to see if it works out for you. We are sure it will help you to some extent.