The Dos and Don’ts in Office Cleaning

Tips & Tricks

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Many people treat their workplace as their second home. And just like our home, we don’t want to work or stay a long time in a filthy space, cluttered with trash, and infested with germs. Having this kind of workplace can affect you to feel underappreciated and unmotivated. Not only can a cluttered office reduce employee productivity, but it can also leave a bad first impression on visitors and potential customers.

But let’s be honest, sometimes we can’t help it though. Every day we work from 9 to 5, and sitting on our chairs for so long might affect us. Thus, without realizing -we create an untidy work work environment. But though it is hard, maintaining a clean workspace is still crucial. To help you keep your office clean, we have compiled a list of top do’s and don’ts for you to follow:

Cluttered Desks


  • Create an organized filing where you put all of your important papers in one place. Tag them all the time, and make a habit of doing it. If you have a paper you don’t need anymore, immediately put it in the trash can.
  • Make a habit of checking your paper each morning. Go through every paper that you have on your desk in the morning, file them where they belong, and dispose of those that are unnecessary in the trash.


  • Never throw files around recklessly, and scattered around in your workspace.

Eating at the same desk you work


  • Dining at your office desk is unhealthy and can cause various infections.
  • Use the lunch break to move instead of keep sitting for hours. You can eat in the cafeteria, or the pantry during your break. By doing this you don’t only help to maintain your health by keeping your desk clean, but you can also socialize with others at the office.
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  • Never eat food at your work desk. Not only does it help to maintain your desk clean, but also prevents damage from the possibility of food splattered falling on electronics.



  • The janitor or cleaning service should scrub and sweep the floors daily, and change toilet tissue papers whenever it is run out.


  • Never leave the washroom without flushing after you use it.
  • Because it is against the rule of etiquette, make sure that the commode seats should never be left dripping.
  • Never flush items, tissues, or soften to your toilet –because it can affect the toilet water flow to clog.

Cleaning Electronic Devices


  • Clean your electronic device every once a week.
  • When cleaning the gadget, always use a microfiber cloth –this will make your cleaning process easier.
  • If you have an office telephone within your workspace, also make sure to wipe it with an antibacterial wipe. This helps to prevent germs from spreading around so easily.


  • Do not eat at your desk, because as we mentioned before, it can risk damaging your electronic items with crumbs and liquid spill.
  • You can’t use dry cloth to clean your electronic items because they can scratch the screens. You need to always make sure the cloth that you use is slightly damp and always clean with a circular motion.

Your Stuff


  • Your stuff might eventually accumulate as time goes on, and therefore you need to acquire some shelves to keep all of your important equipment and paperwork stored in a tidy and organized way. Having an organized shelf will help to keep you more productive as well. This is because it will make it easier for you to be able to find things when you need them the most.
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  • Do not get in the habit of scattering all of your things on your desk. Because it will make your workplace look untidy and messy.



  • Keep your use of space in the fridge to a minimum, by doing this you also respect other people’s needs for space in the fridge.
  • Discard any perishable food that you haven’t eaten by the end of each week. This will not only keep your body healthy but also avoid any odor from expired food affecting the pantry.
  • Let the appropriate person or the staff who have the responsibility to manage the pantry know, if any company-supplied item runs out.


  • Never assume if something in the fridge isn’t labeled, then it means you can consume it.
  • Leave your coffee maker or microwaved on when you use it, and choose to come back when it’s finished.
  • Leave dirty dishes in the pantry sink or scattered on the table.

These are the basic do’s and don’ts of office cleaning, but to ensure your office is always in tip-top condition, you should take on the services of an office cleaning company. Hiring Luce Office, one of the most reputable cleaning companies in Singapore to conduct the cleaning in your office, is something worth thinking about if you want to make sure the workspace is spotless!