The Most Famous Stories in the Bible


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Christianity is a beautiful religion. The stories in the bible have always been inspirational and spiritual for the crowd to observe. One can buy bibles to witness its magic and understand the world of Christianity in its purest form. The bible is also available in many different versions and languages to make it easier for anyone to follow it and read comfortably regardless of language, gender, or other discriminations. Here are some of the most famous stories of the bible that make it worth the expenditure.

Jesus’ birth:

Jesus’ birth was a miraculous event that perspired among many characters. The emperor named Augustus needed a consensus of the city where Jesus’ was born. Joseph travelled to Bethlehem since he was a descendant of David, and King David was born in this place. Here, Joseph’s wife-Mary gave birth to Jesus on a silent night in a manger. He was surrounded by shepherds and angels that blessed him and went on to name him further. 

After a few processes held in the temple, the couple returned with the newborn baby to the beautiful town of Nazareth. Jesus grew up and learned many teachings in the heart of Jerusalem. He was baptised soon when the heavens opened for God to declare that Jesus was his son indeed. This incident left everyone in awe and disbelief.

This whole story is recreated during Christmas every year by many families. They like to make sheds and cribs where they place idols indicating the scene of the birth. 

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Noah’s ark:

This story is widely known since it has been popularised by many TV shows and movies. This story is about the end of the world that God believed was necessary. He only loved Noah and believed he was his best creation. Noah had three sons who were all married. God decided that everything in the world was of no value and deserved destruction. 

On understanding this, he entrusts his feelings to Noah by allowing him an escape from the horror he was about to bring. God wanted to flood the world and remove every unnecessary creation from the face of the earth. Through this, he wanted to achieve a new start and more peace. 

He asked Noah to build a boat. The instructions regarding the dimensions and the number of doors and decks were provided. Noah had an idea of what kind of a ship would be enough for survival. Additionally, God ordered him to take his wife and his sons’ wives along. He also wanted Noah to take a male and female of every species on the boat to start the new world with the species on it. One can buy bibles to understand this story in a much deeper sense with all the situations explained in detail.

Water into wine:

The wedding of Cana is a very famous incident whose traditions are followed to date. Wine is popular among Christians for many reasons, one of them spiritually. At a wedding, a shortage of wine left everyone unhappy and dissatisfied. Jesus’ mother instructed the servants to listen to him and provide lots of water. Jesus worked his miracles and turned the water into wine which was then served to the attendees. The servants were aware of it and shocked the most. This incident led his disciples to believe in him much more deeply and follow his path.

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Christians still follow the tradition of serving wine in the church or on occasions like marriages. Kids are allowed a taste, and the rest enjoy the wine as a metaphor for remembering the time Jesus turned water into wine. This incident is not much present in every version of the bible but is known by everyone for its miraculous.