The Online Casino Industry – Exciting and Impressive Facts


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Growing customer numbers in every online casino speak a very clear language and are mainly responsible for the great growth of the various providers. The trend is more than clear.

The online casino industry is correspondingly large and has a very big influence. Large sites such as online casino sites with Roulette オンラインカジノルーレットサイト dominate the market here and are available with high-quality offers. But which numbers, data, and facts should be mentioned?

There are countless myths and rumours surrounding the industry of online casinos. The most important, exciting, and impressive facts should be mentioned below so that you can take a fresh look at online casinos.

The impressive history of online casinos at a glance

Did you know that online casinos are actually anything but a new invention? The first online casino went online as early as 1994 and from then on provided players with classic games such as roulette and the like.

In the beginning, the number of users was of course still manageable, but this was to change drastically in the following months and years. The online casino industry with providers is still active today and has existed since 1996.

The online industry was able to turn over more than a billion dollars very quickly within one year. Already at the end of the 90s, the influence and the immense growth is more than clear.

The big names of today…

The names Microgaming and CryptoLogig are certainly familiar to old hands. What many certainly do not know: These companies have been around since the first online casinos and have been able to expand and consolidate their position in the following years.

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The large and still-growing influence of the online casino industry makes it a complete success today. Countless billions of dollars are played, wagered, and deposited every year.

Large providers are active worldwide today and have countless users who more or less regularly put their luck to the test.