There’s No Shame In Taking A Short Break From The Kids


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Parenting is difficult, and no one really knows how difficult it is until they’ve actually had kids. There’s a lot of energy that goes into keeping up with your kids, no matter what age they are. One of the biggest mistakes that new parents make is burning the candle at both ends. This is especially true of mothers, and it’s not a bad idea to take a break from time to time. Here are a few ideas on ways to take a break so you can stay sane. 

Relax Within The Confines Of Your Home

If you’re worried about leaving the kids home alone (or with a babysitter), that’s understandable. But that doesn’t mean you can’t find some time for yourself. Schedule some time for one or both of you to relax at home – portable hot tubs are a great way to do this at home because they are affordable and it only takes a 20 minute soak for you to relax. If you still have a baby or a toddler in your house, then you may need to take turns, but you can certainly have a soak together once the kids are asleep and they’re all old enough. 

It Takes A Village

Don’t be too shy to ask for help from family from time to time – so long as you aren’t overdoing it. You may want a couple of hours to catch on some sleep, or reconnect as a couple. Most people won’t mind babysitting for a few hours, but be prepared to be rejected and remember that no one is obligated to care for your kids. If you can afford it, set aside some money for a date night every month, and make sure to factor in the cost of a babysitter. Your date doesn’t have to be something elaborate, and the cost of the babysitter may actually be more than you spend on the date. Sometimes all you really need is a time out.

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Don’t Feel Ashamed

Most parents think that admitting that they need help or need a break means they are expressing that they love their children less, or that they should be ashamed. Don’t give into the pressures of society the perfect parents – those Instagram moms are probably ignoring their kids to get the perfect snapshot to upload. You’re better off giving your kids all the love they need, and taking the occasional break you deserve. There is absolutely nothing wrong with asking for some peace for a couple of hours, and it doesn’t mean you’ve abandoned your children. 

Parents have a hard job, and few are able to truly do a good job. If you are busy because your children need it, then you’re on the right track. However, taking care of your mental and psychological health is important, not just for  you but also so you can be a better parent. After all, a well rested parent can focus better, and won’t be so cranky with the children during the day.