They’re so good for us! The health benefits of having cats


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Feeling great when you’re around your cat shouldn’t be underestimated – it’s actually doing wonders for your health! Cats provide us humans with many amazing health benefits, from boosting our mood when cuddling to improving our fitness when playing, and this is partly why cats have such special bonds with their humans!

We know all about the importance of cat health, including everything from providing them the best food to getting the best cat insurance Australia has to offer, now it’s time to find out how owning cats benefit our human health, too:

  1. They lift our mood

You know that feeling when you’ve had a really rough day at work or school and there is nothing you want to do more than curl up on the bed or couch with your feline friend?

Well, there’s an obvious reason for that: cats lift our moods! When we’re down in the dumps and can use some affection from our beloved pets our cats are (mostly) there to provide that warmth we need to get back on top of our day and start feeling good about things again!

  1. They can boost our immune systems

There are numerous studies that indicate having pets like cats and dogs can improve their owner’s immunal health. This includes kids that have pets growing up with stronger immune systems. Why does this happen? Because exposure to pets like cats from a young age have a lower risk of developing related allergic conditions when they get older.

So, if you’ve got some little ones who absolutely love the family cat, good news! Your cat might just be helping them strengthen their immune systems as they get older.

  1. They teach us humans about responsibility
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Many people and couples choose to get a cat (or dog for that matter) before taking the plunge with a kid – this isn’t necessarily a bad thing at all! Why? Because having a cat is a pretty good dress rehearsal for having a kid.

You have to do many of the same jobs with a cat that you have to do with a little one: bathing it, feeding it, ensuring it’s safe from harm, and all this combines to teach us soon-to-be-parents a little imperative responsibility!

  1. They can help improve your cardiovascular health

Depending on how active you like to get when playing your kitten, they can actually help us improve our cardiovascular health! Cats are active little creatures – we know this – and they love nothing more than playing an awesome game of feather and string, fetch, hide-and-seek or something completely different.

Therefore, if your kitten is always beckoning you to get more active and more involved with your play, maybe give it a shot! Any extra activity is exercise, and therefore our furry feline friends can help us become healthier and fitter in daily life, too.

Sure, we might not walk our cats like other people do with their dogs, but active play time is a great way of getting in a little exercise whilst having fun with your kitty!

  1. They are just great company

At the end of the day, anyone you feel comfortable in the company of is good for you, right? And having an adorable little kitten there to have your back is no exception.

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Cats provide us with the warmth we may need when we don’t want to be around people, and given that they help with all the above health benefits they are pretty wonderful to have around, really…