Things to avoid on the first meet from matrimonial site


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Matrimonial sites are doing the job of Indian aunties and uncles who are always worried about your partner. Punjabi matrimony, Hindu matrimony, etc are available to find the partner specifically for your caste; they are playing the role of marriage maker or mediator between the two families. These are convenient to use and anyone could easily create their profile and search for a partner. Whenever someone makes the profile, it goes for approval, and after proper verification and security checks, it comes into usage. This helps to detect the non-genuine and un-authentic profiles. When you find a matrimonial profile matching your partner preference criteria, the first thing you need to do is to contact that person. But there are some things you must keep in mind before fixing the first meeting with any prospective partner:

  • Verified profile or not: once you are notified of any interest on your profile from a registered member, always check whether it is verified or not, and verify it from your end. It is very important for your security and safety. Before accepting any matrimonial interest, you must always check the details properly.
  • Check the genuineness: one of the major things, which you must keep in mind while accepting any interested request. Always see the genuineness of the profile. Try to find out whether every detail mentioned over the profile as if contact details, permanent address, dress, email id, and social media details are correct and genuine. Although the Punjabi marriage bureau in Delhi verifies every profile keenly as a customer, you need to recheck everything at your end.
  • Check the authenticity of photographs: any matrimonial profile with photographs get the most requests compared to the profile without photographs. Most people update their photographs on such websites with their family, friends, vacation photos, office casual pictures, and others. However, it is suggested that you must check the authenticity of all these photographs. Try to verify those through social media handles or some other ways. Also, find out whether these photographs are recent or older. It will also give a sense of the genuineness of the profile.
  • Social media accounts: social media is the current ‘chai ki tapiri’ of these days; everyone is active on different platforms. While checking any matrimonial profile, visit the social media profiles of the concerned person or their relatives. As it would help in understanding the activities, interests, and kind of personal, they are at a personal level.
  • Must check the criteria: Do visit the profile before accepting any matrimonial interest or proposal, It is always better to know the partner’s preference earlier. Do not accept the meeting invitation before proper investigation like finances; job, business, etc. always pay attention to your choices and expectations from the future partner. A small hasty decision could create many problems for you and your family in the future. So, be specific with your preferences. Meet those who are having at least 80% to 90% of your partner preference.
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