Time to Think About Your Prom. It’s Coming Faster Than You Think


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“Prom”, a single word that stirs up an avalanche of emotions in every single person, especially the young students, who have not experienced it yet. The whole phase of anticipation and the build-up to the prom can be very nerve-wracking for any individual. Coming up with ingenious “Promposals”, planning out every moment of the highly anticipated night to the very last detail, etc. – that is the routine of most young students in the days leading up to prom. People tend to be wrought with anxiety, especially having learned of scores of Proms fails from their parents, older siblings, and others. In order to free you from all of this enormous hassle and all these nightmares, Agence 4 Saisons is offering a huge range of professional services to make sure that your “dream day” is really memorable. So now you can sit back, relax and have the best experience possible when the day comes around. 

Tips to Have the Perfect Prom

  1. Avoid Unnecessary Pressure(s) – Going to Prom with someone you’re serious with is quite common. Just because you go to Prom does not necessarily mean that you are “official”, even though you might find yourself under unwanted pressure, to actually become so. In order to avoid any confusion or mixed signals, it would be prudent to clear out exactly what attending Prom together means, for both of you, before deciding to go together. Boundaries are the cornerstone of all relationships – platonic or otherwise. So make sure that you have both have them clearly set up, before going to Prom together. 
  2. Time TO Return – In case of a “curfew” at home, you’d do well to ask a friend or your parents, if they could pick you up. Even though there is no compulsion for your partner to leave Prom at the same time as you, reaching a compromise might work well for both of you.
  3. Dancing – Irrespective of how enthusiastic about dancing, you need to feel comfortable enough to dance with your partner. It can sometimes feel intimate and everyone has a different comfort level. You must have a conversation with your date about the things both of you are comfortable with, to make sure that both of you remember the dance as one of the most memorable experiences in your lives. 
  4. Losing Your Virginity – It is a complete myth that everyone loses their virginity on the night of Prom. Sex can be a big step and there is undue pressure on young minds to have sex on the night. Your sexual experience and your boundaries are completely your own. So, whether or not you have sex on the night, up to you. Communicate your thoughts to your partner and learn about what they are comfortable with. In case you ever feel pressurized into doing anything, it might a good time to walk away from the situation. 
  5. After Party – Students having a party after Prom night is a very common occurrence, and arguably all of these parties have free-flowing alcohol. Driving under influence puts your life and the lives of others at incredible risk. So, in case you attend such a party it would be advisable to steer clear of driving or getting into cars with your friends who have a history of “drunk driving”. 
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Everyone wants their prom night to be a fun-filled experience that they can cherish for the rest of their lives. Hence it is important to communicate well, find out each other’s’ comfort levels and set healthy boundaries so that you create “happy memories”, rather than “scary nightmares”. In case you need any help to plan out your perfect prom, you can always contact Agence 4 Saisons.