Top 4 Western Star Heavy Haul Trucks


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Western Star is one of the most reliable manufacturers of semi trucks because the big rigs in their lineup are often made to withstand even the toughest road conditions. They offer various truck lineups that suit a variety of purposes. If you are looking into acquiring a Western Star semi truck to add to your fleet for heavy haul, then the models below may pique your interest.


Perhaps the most popular model offered by Western Star is the 4900 truck series that are suitable for a heavy haul on the highway. When you explore local truck dealers, you are most likely to find a 4900 Western Star semi truck for sale at a very reasonable price. Cruising through the highway, trucks in the 4900 series are also capable of long haul and bulk haul, as well as auto haul. When it comes to vocational use, 4900 semi trucks are also perfect for construction and logging, as well as mining and oil and gas industries.


Big trucks included in the 6900 lineups are perfect for towing and recovery, as well as construction and logging use. They are also suitable for heavy hauls on the highway. The trucks in this series have the capability to deliver optimum performance in rendering the toughest jobs that you can think of. Perhaps this can be attributed to the engines that are incorporated in the trucks in this series, as well as their build options. It can also be quite easy for you to get in and out of the 6900 big rigs because of their wide door openings.

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Apart from a heavy haul, you can also consider the big rigs in the 5700 series if you are looking for a semi truck for a long or a bulk haul. The great part about the trucks in this lineup is that they are designed to maximize fuel consumption because of their aerodynamic design. Rest assured that you have various options to choose from when it comes to the sleeper dimension options, as well as roof options.


Finally, you can also consider Western Star trucks in the 4800 series. With the big rigs included in this lineup, you can choose from a set-back axle configuration or a set-forward axle configuration. There is also the option for you to go with a twin-steer configuration for your heavy haul. The best part about 4800 trucks is that their cabs are very well insulated and soundproof because of the barium material placed between the steel cab with double walls.

The Bottomline

When it comes to heavy haul, the Western Star models listed above are only some of the ones that you can consider acquiring to add to your fleet. There are various other series produced by this manufacturer such as the 4700. The key is in figuring out the specific purpose that needs to be fulfilled by the truck that you will add to your fleet because in doing so, you are most likely to find the perfect big rig that suits your needs.