Top 5 Driving Safety Tips


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Learn the Very Best Ways to Stay Safe in Your Vehicle 

When you’re on the road, the thought might occur to you that the statistics for car crashes are higher than you’d like them to be. Then, you grip the steering wheel a little tighter and try to focus more intently on the road. 

However, by the end of your ride, you begin to fall into old habits that you know aren’t necessarily safe enough to prevent a crash. If only you had a list that could remind you of how to stay safe each time you get into the vehicle, so that you can lower the possibility of getting into an accident. 

Fortunately, that’s what this list will cover. These five checklist items are ones you can bookmark and refer back to whenever you drive. Each of these will limit your risk in your car, even when events outside of your control occur. Check out the list – and if you notice anything missing – feel free to add additional items that you know will help you drive your best.

  1. Wear Your Seatbelt

This is, of course, our first safety tip. Wearing your seatbelt can save lives and reduce injury, even in an extremely dangerous crash. The statistics are overwhelmingly in favor of this safety tip, so be sure to buckle up. Need a reminder? Put a sticky note on your dashboard. Any new car for sale in Houston or elsewhere will even remind you with a flashing light or bell until you put your seatbelt on, too. Vehicle manufacturers want to ensure you’re safe as well, so they’ve built this feature to protect you. 

  1. Don’t Text and Drive 
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As you glance down at a text, you cover far more ground on the road than you think. When texting, you can move several car-lengths forward without any awareness of what’s going on around you. The reason why looking down at your phone isn’t safe isn’t just an issue of whether you have control over your car. The issue is that unpredictable things can happen in front of you while you’re not looking. A car could come to a halt. A cyclist could accidentally merge into your path. There are far too many horrifying occurrences related to texting and driving, and you don’t want to add to the harrowing statistics. 

  1. Clean, Scrape, and Wipe Before You Drive

Many of us want to hop into our cars hoping that the heat will melt the ice over time, or the mud and dirt will take care of themselves eventually. However, driving without full visibility is far more dangerous than you think. Sure, you’ll have some visibility so you don’t make obvious mistakes, but that isn’t enough in a dire situation. Most people who have been in an accident can recognize the crucial mistakes they made, and how they could have fixed them. Take control of your driving safety by making sure your windshield is completely clean from any weather events or residue. 

  1. Abide by Every Traffic Rule and Signal

Traffic signals, signs, and rules are there for a reason. Rolling through a stop sign may seem like no big deal on a dark night when no one is on the road, but it’s just as important to obey these signals even when you think no one is watching. Here’s why: on one hand, the unexpected could occur – someone could be out on that road jogging, and they’re relying on you to make the full stop. Secondly, getting a ticket for a silly – but dangerous – infraction can send your insurance rates up significantly (and if you continue driving negligently you can lose your license altogether). Lastly, your negligence on a dark night when no one seems to be around will translate to your day driving. You’ll find yourself committing the same infractions during the day – and that’s when even more danger can occur. The same goes for speeding, obeying other signs, and even using your turn signal. 

  1. Have Your Vehicle Serviced Regularly
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Vehicle service is not about lining the pockets of the technicians. Getting vehicle service allows you to drive on the road safely without a breakdown, accident, or any other undesirable event that might occur as a result of a faulty vehicle. Rotate your tires, so that they can grip the road effectively during bad weather. Ensure your fluids are topped off, so you can clear rain, dirt, and snow, as well as avoid a malfunction that takes you out of full control over your car’s performance.

Stay Safe – and Enjoy the Ride!

These five tips will do more for you than you might initially think. If you’re undistracted, have a seatbelt on, and you’re obeying rules and regulations in a well-maintained vehicle, you’re making a lot of headway toward a safe drive. Take good care when you’re out there on the road, and you’ll be able to enjoy your vehicle happily – and securely –  for a long while.