Ways To Maintain And Clean Your Tiles

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Tiles indeed enhance the beauty of your home. The reason homeowners are so affected by the tiles is they are exquisite and easy to maintain.

Although to many, cleaning the tiles might seem a hard nut to crack, but it’s pretty easy!! All you need to have is patience.

In many cases, the homeowners are way too lazy in maintaining their floors. Remember this; if you want your floors and tiles to shine brightly and elegantly, you have to make sure that you take proper care of your tiles.

Therefore, this article is just here to give you all the ins and outs of how you can maintain your floors.

Read till the end, so that you don’t miss out on any important information.

Ways To Keep Your Tiles Maintained!

“A proper guideline is essential if you want to proceed with perfection.”

This section of the article is just the ultimate guideline for keeping your tiles maintained and clean.

1.   Use Vacuum Cleaner or Mop To Clean The Tiles

Many homeowners use brooms to clean their floors. Honestly, by doing this, you are actually putting countless scratches on your floors.

If you want your floors to remain clean and spotless for a longer period of time, then this habit of cleaning your floors with brooms needs a halt.

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Instead, you can always go for vacuum cleaners or even dust mobs to remove the dirt or dust before they get settled on your floors or even the grouts (the lining gap that joins tile slabs together)

These can be your optimum choice of cleaning because these methods don’t leave scratches or marks on your tiles. Moreover, this way of maintaining the tiles is also effortless and less time-consuming.

2.   Use Warm Water To Mop

The best part about warm water is that it can easily clear off hard dirt or dust on any surface.

Similarly, if you mop your tile floorings at least once a week with warm water, you surely will see drastic changes in the shine of the floors.

You can also use a slight amount of soap with water to enhance the cleanliness of your floorings.

If you want your floors to stay clean and shining, you need to come up with a day in a week when you’ll have your floors cleaned with warm water and soap.

But one thing that you need to have in mind is to check whether the manufacturers approve the soap you are using. Otherwise, using just any cleansers can indeed damage your tiles.

3.   Clean Spills On The Floors ASAP

Naturally, you might spill food or any other dirt on the floor by accident.

In such cases, you should never leave the spills uncleaned. Just stop whatever you are doing for a moment, and take a clean cloth or mob and wipe off the spills as quickly as possible.

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If not done, there are chances that the spills might dry off and leave permanent marks on the floors.

I’ll highly recommend using water and mob as these are the perfect combo for deep cleaning!!

4.   Doormats And Area Rugs Can Help In Keeping Your Floors Clean

Dirty feet are one of the main reasons for stained and discolored floors.

To avoid such issues, you should always place doormats on both sides of your door.

When you do this, you are actually avoiding mud or water to enter the front of your home. For instance, it’s raining outside, and you entered your home without cleaning your feet on the doormat.

Through this, you will be staining the entire floor with your dirty shoes. And you have to clean your floors instantly to avoid the stains getting embedded.

Therefore, to avoid such headaches, it’s a good choice of placing doormats outside the door.

Similarly, in places in your room where there’s high foot traffic, you can always place rugs over the floor to avoid scratches and dirt.

5.   Deep Cleans Are Essential

If you want your floors to stay elegant and gorgeous, you indeed need to make some efforts.

In order to remove stains and grease from your beautiful floors, you can mix ½ cup containing white vinegar along with a gallon of warm water.

These natural home procedures can be super effective and are mainly used for kitchen tilings.

 But what if you don’t have vinegar?

Nothing to worry about!! You can replace it with ½ amount of plain rubbing alcohol.

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Moreover, if your floors have hard grease stuck, you can always use dish detergent and freshwater to wipe off that grease off your elegant floors.

6.   Give Proper Attention To Your Grouts

Many homeowners are regular with their floor and tiles cleaning but always tend to miss out on the grouts.

Grouts need proper cleaning as these hold the tiles together. Therefore, if these grouts stain and get weak, they’ll have a damaging impact on your elegant-looking tiles.

But now the question is, how are you supposed to clean the grouts?

-It’s effortless!

You don’t have to go and buy any such cleaners for removing stains out of your grouts. Simply create a mixture of baking soda and water. It’ll take the form of a paste.

Now, all you have to do is spread the paste all over the grouts and keep it like this for an entire night. Then the very next day, take a used or old toothbrush and scrub it onto the grouts.

After that, clean off the paste with clean, warm water!

I indeed believe that if you follow these tips and ways regularly, you’ll see that the glow and durability of your tiles will last longer over the upcoming years!!