What Are The Disadvantages Of Invisalign


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Invisalign has been one of the industry leaders when it comes to aligner treatments. It has been proven to be a very effective way to straighten your teeth. Invisalign was presented as a less-visible alternative to braces with more convenience. And since then, it has only continued to gain much popularity. These days, many dentists and orthodontist in Washington DC will recommend Invisalign to patients, so it’s not hard to find a provider near you.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a brand name for a type of thin, clear aligners that are used during orthodontic treatment. The aligner is constructed out of flexible thermoplastic materials called SmartTrack. Like the name suggests, Invisaligns are designed to make orthodontic treatment less invasive or conspicuous. While Invisalign aligners might not be completely invisible, these clear coverings fit tightly over your teeth and are a lot less noticeable than traditional braces.

What are the types of dental issues that Invisalign can treat?

Invisalign is used for a variety of reasons, including crowding and spacing issues, along with some mild and moderate bite issues. On their website, they claim that they can be used for the following dental problems:

  • Certain types of overbite, underbite, and crossbite issues
  • Open bite
  • Gap teeth
  • Crowded teeth
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While research is still limited, it suggests that Invisalign will be more effective for some over others. For example, in a 2017 study Invisalign clear aligners were suggested to be useful to align an individual’s arches, but not as helpful in addressing more severe bite issues.

What are the disadvantages of Invisalign?

Unfortunately, even if Invisalign sounds like a pretty attractive solution, it’s not perfect. There are many disadvantages when it comes to Invisalign. Here are some of the cons:


One of the major drawbacks of Invisalign is that they can be pretty expensive, even if you have insurance coverage. In fact, they are typically not covered under dental insurance. This means you can pay up to $8000 for them. If you’re on a tight budget or don’t have a lot of cash on hand, then you may want to rethink things.

Treatment is pretty time consuming

Invisalign treatments are usually faster compared to braces, but there are quicker alternatives available as well. On average, an Invisalign treatment can last anywhere from 12 to 18 months. However, you will need to be scheduling regular maintenance appointments with your dentist in order to monitor your progress pretty frequently. Monthly visits to the dental office can make Invisalign more time consuming, as this can eat away at your schedule so they are not incredibly convenient.

You need high levels of discipline to stay on track

One of the major advantages of Invisalign can also be its biggest downfall. You need to wear the retainers for 22 hours each day and only remove them when you are eating, drinking or brushing your teeth. If you are not a very disciplined person and you start to slack on your wear time, this could make your treatment last much longer than it needs to, and it can also be less effective. So, having discipline and complete cooperation will make sure that you get the results that you desire.

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Clear aligners can also get stained easily, so it is best that you brush and floss more regularly and you should also avoid beverages like coffee or wine. Many dentists will also recommend cleaning your aligners often and maintaining excellent oral hygiene. This also adds onto the time it takes your treatment.

Can be pretty uncomfortable

During the Invisalign treatment, you’ll be required to keep switching out your trays for tighter ones. This can be quite uncomfortable and it can even be painful when you get fitted for new sets. While the orthodontist will likely refer to this uncomfortable feeling as pressure, it can be painful during the times your teeth are adjusting to a new set of aligners. You might even want to use a pain reliever to help ease the pain while your teeth adjust to your Invisalign.

Can be inconvenient

Invisalign’s can be pretty inconvenient for some patients. You will always need to remove them for eating and drinking which means you deal with that, even if you go out to eat. You will also be required to brush your teeth after each meal before replacing your Invisalign’s back into your mouth. This means that you will be brushing your teeth much more than usual each day, which can also be inconvenient.

These are some of the biggest disadvantages to Invisalign. While most patients find them to be very convenient, but at the same time, there are downsides that you should take into consideration. What works for one patient might not work for you and vice versa. It’s important to make sure you are choosing the treatment that works best for you.

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Author’s Bio

Kristy Ngai is a content writer for BreezeMaxWeb that helps businesses showcase their brand through enticing copy. When she’s not working, you can find her playing net in a local beer league or biking around the city.