What To Do After You’ve Been In A Motorcycle Accident

Tips & Tricks

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Motorcycle accidents are 26 times more fatal compared to car accidents because they lack essential safety features. It is important to ensure you drive your motorcycle defensively because of the dramatic increase in the severity of damages in case of an accident.

If you’ve been involved in a motorcycle accident, use the following steps to ensure you prevent further injuries, increase your chances of survival, and get compensation for damages.

Get Yourself And Others Involved In The Accident To Safety

The first thing you need to do is move to a safe location. You may not feel pain or recognize your injuries when adrenaline is pumping through you, and therefore, you should move with caution. Help any other people who are injured in the accident to also get to safety. This will move you from traffic harm’s way and any explosions that may happen after the accident.

Leave Your Gear On

Do not rush to remove your gear because you may exacerbate your injuries. In motorcycle accidents, the rider is often at risk of injuring their head or neck badly. The shock you experience may hinder you from identifying your injuries, so it is safer to wait for a medical professional to help.

Call For Help

Call 911 to get the police and ambulance to the scene. The police will help in evaluating the accident scene and controlling traffic that may be out of control because of the accident. The ambulance will take you to the hospital for medical examination and treatment.

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Gather Information From The Other Driver

If you have collided with a vehicle or another motorcycle, it is best to exchange contacts and insurance information before the police and medical emergency team arrive. This information will help you get the much-needed compensation from insurance companies.

Get Medical Treatment

After a motorcycle accident, most people start feeling the effects of the collision after days or weeks. You may have broken bones or internal bleeding. It would be wise to get a medical examination even if you are feeling okay.

Immediate medical extermination also serves as evidence to present to insurance companies so that they do not dismiss your claims for compensation. The evidence can also be used in court when filing for compensation on grounds of personal injury.

Ensure you take photos of the accident, your body injuries and write a report for the police for all this will help in making your case stronger and more believable.

Hire A Personal Injury Attorney

Getting legal guidance is important after a motorcycle accident. Ensure you hire an experienced personal attorney to help you get more compensation from insurance companies who often pay very little if you do not know how to negotiate. The attorney will also help you with your personal injury case so that you can get fair financial compensation for your injuries.

We all wish to go to work and get back home safely. Unfortunately, you may be part of a motorcycle accident one day. If this happens, use the information above to guide you to safety and get your life back on track after the accident.

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