What You Should Know about Retouching Male Photos

Tips & Tricks

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Approaches to male and female photography retouching are slightly different. It won’t be exaggerative to say that women reign in the world of editorial, social media, and fashion imagery, so there are much more tutorials and understanding as a whole of how pictures and filters should work together. On the contrary, male retouching is more charitable and forgiving than its opponent. For instance, photographs of gentlemen aren’t deprived of beauty marks, wrinkles, or other defines features.

What is more important for retouching male photography? Stay tuned to check it out!

Unique Functions for Male Portrait Retouch

Putting aside all the social and ethical influence on photography, it is no secret improving male and female shots can’t be the same. Not only are their physical beauty different, but also styles, roles, and emotions they reveal through pictures don’t usually coincide. Let’s illustrate this statement with a simple example — men and women become parents, but paternity and maternity photos will require unlike shooting approaches.

Here are some of the features that make specialized solutions like RetouchMen necessary editors:

  • Bodies of men and women are different, so the way you improve the visual attraction of your muscles should be complemented by your editor.
  • Men may require getting rid of bald spots or trying another hairstyle. That is where the services of a haircut app for men like RetouchMe come in handy. The tool’s functionality allows checking how different hair volume and color looks on the target model. At the same time, it is a good solution to see whether a beard or mustaches are really such a great idea to implement in reality.
  • Such applications save your time for professional dentists and designers. Don’t get it wrong — taking care of yourself is crucial and necessary. However, if you don’t have an opportunity to solve the problem now, it is not a reason to forget about satisfactory photos.
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Experimenting Is Welcome

Retouching is also predetermined by the functionality of the selected application. The basic steps required will include the following:

  • Taking RAW files.
  • Proceeding with global image adjustments such as brightness, saturation, the balance of white, etc.
  • Removing distracting elements. More advanced retouching is the opportunity to remove wrinkles and blemishes.
  • Shaping the face, whitening teeth, or highlighting eyes, if necessary.
  • Working with a hairstyle (for instance, to remove stray hair).
  • Getting the final result.

Thanks to additional features, interested parties are enabled to perform with more exclusive modifications:

  • Using special brushes to lighten or darken image zones.
  • With the help of dodge-and-burn tools, it is possible to add a light source to the image and make reflections and shadows more natural.
  • Playing with layer masks is a lifesaving solution to improve skin tone and edit different body parts individually.
  • Switching between gradients is your opportunity to create your own filter for a photo.

Wrap It Up

All in all, retouching male photos requires no less attention than editing images for women. Though the accents are different, the results have to be prominent and natural in both cases. For beginners, it may seem a daunting task to proceed with each step described above, so RetouchMe offers a way out — feel free to send your pictures to their designers to get a finishing touch done by experts.