Whole Body Vibration Machine Side Effects


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As we grow old, our bodies start to experience some changes. As a result, we are expected to tweak our exercise regimens to something that aligns with our current age. Strength-based exercise routines are perfect for developing our bone density. But, they are also capable of causing vulnerable and aging joints more stress.

Fortunately, this is the reason the whole body vibration machine has been developed. It helps you get fit without causing your joints any trouble.

Therefore, what are those exercises that can help you maintain your fitness without risking your overall wellbeing? Or are there any whole body vibration machine side effects that you should be aware of?

The way the whole-body vibration machine works

The whole-body vibration machine happens to be a flexible fitness machine that is designed to assist seniors and persons with disabilities with their exercise routines. It is also good for people who cannot undertake normal strength-based type of trainings.

First, you have to take a standing, sitting, or lying position on the machine’s vibrating platform. The vibration would send energy via your body, causing your body to assume a stretch reflex.

The stretch flex will lead to the expansion and contraction of your muscles, happening multiple times in quick successions. Finally, you would feel as though you’ve just had a regular exercise.

The Possible Whole Body Vibration Machine Side Effects

Although the benefits that come with using this machine are remarkable, it is not recommended for everyone because of the whole body vibration machine side effects.

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The whole-body vibration machines have gone through several transitions over the years. Yet, it is better that people with certain medical conditions stay away from it. If you have any of the following, whole-body vibration machines may have some negative effects on you;

  • Just had a successful operation
  • Pregnant
  • Migraines
  • Acute hernia
  • Diabetes
  • Knee or hip replacements
  • Have tumors or cancers
  • Acute thrombosis
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Epilepsy

Should you have any of these and still feel you can use the machine, talk to a health advisor before doing so. Using the machine too often can result in spine damage. The machine should be used as part of your exercise program.

It is noteworthy that so many people have used this machine worldwide without recording any side effects whatsoever. Thus, it depends on your response, health history and body state.

Benefits of Whole-Body Vibration Machines

Whole-body vibration machines have been considered as a useful exercise mechanism for people with various abilities, fitness levels, and different age groups. Highlighted below are some of those benefits.

  • Weight Loss

Based on a study that was carried out by a European association for obesity, the best vibration machine has been known to help users lose weight drastically if used accordingly. The stretch flex and vibration combination helps to get rid of unwanted belly fats which may be existing between organs. Plus, stress hormones like cortisol that cause weight gain are reduced by vibration machines.

  • Better Blood Flow

The vibration machines have equally been known for improving the rate at which blood flows through the body, allowing nutrients and oxygen to be transported round the body more efficiently. Ultimately, this helps to boost your immune system because of the delivered nutrients and additional white blood cells.

  • Increase in Bone Density
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A vibration machine is also excellent for reducing back pains, reducing bone loss, as well as improving balance and strength in people who are older.

  • Better Balance

Aging indirectly means that you are more vulnerable to falls because your bones and joints naturally become weaker at that point. Falls could result to fractured bones, permanent damages, or death in worse cases.

The vibration machines helps to boost your bones and joints without carrying any heavy loads. That way, you would be more balanced and less prone to falls.


As much as we love to engage in exercises so we can keep fit, it is important that we mind the type of exercises do when start to grow old. We need to refrain from doing any exercise that would stress our joints. That is why this article has told you the amazing benefits that come with using a whole body vibration machine. Please don’t also forget to read through the whole body vibration machine side effects to know if you are fit to use it.