Why Am I So Forgetful And Absent Minded?


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Many ladies complain of memory problems from time to time. They may forget where they put a certain item or have difficulty recalling events. When forgetfulness starts to cause inconvenience and provoke trouble, it is worth trying to figure out why your memory cannot cope with its tasks. We have collected a few common reasons.

1.You Sleep Little

Let’s start with the most obvious one: lack of sleep. The frantic pace of life, work, deadlines, time spent on social media – all this deprives you of the opportunity to sleep normally. If you spend less than six hours sleep, you shouldn’t be surprised by memory problems. After all, after several days of lack of sleep, your brain’s ability to remember and process information decreases.

The worst thing that can occur to you, in this case, is to try to get rid of the problem with medication. Instead of taking sleeping pills and sedatives, try first to restore the regimen and give your body a normal rest.

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2.You Strive To Keep Up With Everything 

If you have a busy schedule and there are many plans on your to-do list for the day, the most likely reason for memory problems is overwork. Your brain is simply not able to cope with the kind of multitasking in which you force it to work. 

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It begins to selectively memorize information and save only the most critical moments in memory. The first thing you should do is unload your brain. Cross out those things from your diary that you can sort out later or delegate to someone else.

3.You Are Constantly Under Stress

Situations that cause you to be under stress negatively affect the state of your nervous system. If you experience stress regularly, it becomes chronic. In this case, the body throws all its strength not to memorize information but to survive simply. 

Again, add a good rest to your must-do list for the day. It will help your body to recover faster and return to its normal state. You should also deal with the sources of stress. Because if you return to your usual stressful environment (even if rested), memory problems will not take long.

4.You Don’t Drink Enough Water 

Dehydration affects the functioning of the brain and its ability to remember information. Tea, coffee, juices, and carbonated drinks only contribute to removing fluids from your body. 

This means that you should drink more ordinary water. To restore your memory, try to drink at least a litre of water a day. Perhaps over time, you will get used to it and even increase the amount.

5.You Have Bad Habits

Drinking alcohol and smoking can cause severe memory and concentration problems. If you regularly drink or suffer from alcohol addiction, your cognitive abilities gradually decrease. Moreover, forgetfulness appears, and in some cases, even partial loss of memory occurs. 

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Thus, take help from experts to deal with this addiction. If you live near Mississippi, Oxford Treatment Center is the best place to get your mental and addiction problems cured. If it’s far away from your home, look for a nearby treatment center.

6.You Are Eating Out Of Balance

Your brain needs fatty acids to function correctly. With their deficiency, memory and cognitive functions are the first to suffer. So do not exclude fats and carbohydrates from your diet; if you notice that you have begun to forget about basic things or upcoming meetings more often, start monitoring your diet. Eat healthy foods for having a healthy brain.

7.You Are Lacking Vitamins 

Vitamin deficiency can cause memory impairment. For the brain to function fully and assimilate information, it needs B vitamins (folic and niacin) and other important nutrients. They protect cells from aging and overload and ensure the normal functioning of the nervous system. 

It is best not to buy vitamin complexes without consulting a doctor. But simply add foods containing the nutrients you need to your diet.

Wrapping Up

Being forgetful is becoming quite a common problem. But not many people know that this problem is directly related to our habits and lifestyle. We mentioned some significant reasons for your forgetfulness and ways to deal with it. Hopefully, these will help you cure the problem and become active again.

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