10 Tips to Remember Your Loved Ones

RelationshipsTips & Tricks

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There comes a time in every person’s life where they experience loss. Even athletes who always win or students with a million medals experience this. It’s a kind of loss heavier than anything else in the world.

The loss of family or a loved one is indeed a challenging time in one’s life. Be it your brother, sister, parent or even lover. One day you were spending quality time with them and the next, they’re gone.

But are they really?

They may be gone in body and on this Earth, but they are never truly gone. They’re always in our hearts and with us in spirit, guiding us each day. 

If you want to keep them with you everyday even through other means, then this is the article for you. Here are a few tips to remember your loved ones that have passed on.

Cooking Their Favorite Food

It’s definitely true that when it comes to homemade cooking, mothers and grandmothers do it better than anyone. If you’re missing them a little bit more than usual, you can cook one of their signature meat or vegan dishes. 

Celebrate Special Occasions

Just because they’re no longer around, doesn’t mean there’s nothing to celebrate anymore. It can be a wedding anniversary, a family tradition, or anything in between. Even when they’re gone, you can still celebrate that special day with them!

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Create Something to Remember Them

A lot of material things can serve as a reminder for different things. You can make different stuff to remember your loved ones too! One of which is making cremation jewelry out of their remains to keep them with you every day.

It’s not a common thing to produce something like this. However, what sets this apart from others is that it’s handy, serene, and more personalized than any other memorabilia. You also have the option of which one to choose – cremation rings, cremation necklaces, and more. 

Relive Some Memories

You might have celebrated a big milestone with them in the past. Maybe there’s even a random picture with memories attached that you want to revisit.

You can relive these wonderful memories by going to places filled with a ton of good memories. They may no longer be by your side, but you’re sure to feel them in spirit.

Keep Them in Social Media

Social media is a great place to store a lot of memories with people. You can keep your loved ones close to you by putting them in your social media accounts, too! Whether it’s on your Twitter bio or Facebook gallery, it’s truly a thoughtful gesture to do.

Keep Talking to Them

It may sound odd, like “what do you mean talk to them?”. Just because they’re no longer one call or drive away doesn’t mean we can no longer talk to them. Like those who believe in religion, we can still talk to them through spirit and sometimes even prayer.

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Keep an Heirloom

Sometimes, your family may have an heirloom from generations past that has ended up with you. It may be a ring, pendant, or even a great-great grandmother’s cookbook!

You can keep one in memory of your loved ones that have passed away. If your family doesn’t have one, you can make one in the form of cremation necklaces or other cremation jewelry. What matters is that they’re able to live on in one way or another.

Take Them on a Trip

In the movie Up, it was Carl and Ellie’s dream to visit the grand canyon and live there. Unfortunately, Ellie passed away before they got to achieve that dream. That never stopped Carl from bringing her, even in picture form, to the place they once dreamed of seeing.

You can do this with your loved ones that have passed away too. On your next trip, bring along a picture or locket of them so they can see the world too.

Tell Stories About Them

During the next family gathering or even with your friends, you can always tell great stories about your loved ones. If you were especially close to them, there’s sure to be a lot you can tell and keep their memory alive.

Name Something After Them

It can be anything. A new car, a pair of shoes, or even a guitar. A lot of people name their things, so why not name an important thing in your life after a loved one? This also adds an extra bit of sentiment each time you use it!

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Final Thoughts

Losing a loved one is challenging. Someone that was always there is suddenly no longer around in person. Still, this doesn’t mean that you can’t keep them with you in many different ways!

As Gerard Way once said, “and though you’re dead and gone, believe me, your memory will carry on”.