Pro’s And Con’s Of The Festival Of Light


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When people speak about the most cherished festivals in India, Diwali is a peculiar festival that initially hits people’s thoughts. Today, let us look at how influential this celebration is on the environment & in people’s lives.

Diwali is among the most important Hindu festivities extolled not just in India but throughout the world. According to the Hindu mythical tale ‘Ramayana,’ Diwali is assumed to have dawned when, ‘Lord Ram’ made a victorious arrival to the Kingdom of ‘Ayodhya’ after destroying ‘Ravana’ King of Lanka along with his wife ‘Sita’ & brother ‘Laxman’ which noted the well-known quote, ‘The triumph of good over evil,’ which was accompanied by a splendid commemoration & the ceremony is imitated year after year after that day, which we all know as Diwali.

In modern times, Diwali is still commemorated with equal energy, happiness & enthusiasm. Offices & homes are cleaned & embellished, exchanging regards, making sweets & snacks, shopping for home decor, new clothes, Diwali gifts, etc. On all pleasant occurrences, gifts are a necessary and inescapable element. We spend quite some time hunting for presents that would rightly amuse our cherished ones & make them feel unique and special. Especially when hunting Diwali gifts for wife, husband, parents, and children. With the arrival of technology, this enormous responsibility has presently been made pretty easy. 

Now we can search online and obtain innovative and artistic gifting notions & not just that, if you stay away from your family for studies or work you can yet make your existence be sensed amidst your family and friends by sending Diwali gifts delivery in Delhi, Mumbai, etc. via shopping online and let them sense the love & admiration you possess for them. All in all, Diwali is a celebration in which people commemorate with loads of exhilaration, joy & happiness being spread all around the world.

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Let us now go through the different perspectives also; the justification for Diwali being termed as the festival of lights is that you will witness each & every household kindled with numerous ‘Diyas’ (Oil lamps) which makes cities and towns brighten up at night which inevitably makes the twilight absent. However, the utter disregard amongst the festival will someday place us in darkness, a darkness from which we may not be competent to extricate ourselves. Let us review some of the concerns that will take us from light to this darkness.

  1. Noise Pollution – Surely, firecrackers were never an ingredient of the festivities in the original days of the celebration since there is no remark of it in any Hindu religious manuscript. They were a Chinese creation prepared approximately 600-900AD. But it was delightfully blended into religious celebrations later on. It’s no esoteric fact that these firecrackers create loads of noise pollution, not just that, musical devices and sound systems operated on loud volumes supplement the issues. The government permits noise levels of 55dB during the day & 45dB during the night. But, throughout Diwali festivities, it goes past 125dB, which is very critical & can create serious health issues like trauma, temporary deafness, permanent eardrum rupture, hypertension, etc.
  2. Air Pollution – It is a well-known fact that bursting firecrackers are pure pleasure for people of all ages. However, intentionally or unintentionally, they discharge poisonous glasses and smoke, which places more stress on the earth, which is already grieving from human-made rubbish. So, to protect your family from air pollution use the best air purifier for home.
  3. Waste bi-product – Once we are completely satisfied with bursting firecrackers, we witness a lot of trash accumulated throughout in the form of plastic and paper, etc. Also, there is trash, which is non-degradable, and as major cities have deficiencies of dumping areas, this rubbish contaminates the earth.
  4. Health effects – People of multiple ages play with firecrackers, not understanding the toxic nature of these firecrackers & the poisonous fumes discharged by these fireworks when they are set on fire. On being managed childishly, it induces antagonistic consequences like respiratory diseases, burns, and in some instances, also recorded deaths.
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It’s invariably more suitable to relish the genuine spirit of a festival than going for a modified route, which creates nothing but trouble for us. This festive season lets us extol its true essence and extend the happiness & delight of the celebration with our family and friends and have a great and happy Diwali.