The Seas Are Rising. Can Oysters Protect Us?


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It’s a known fact that most of our earth is water. About 71 percent of the total surface of the earth is covered by different forms of water like seas, oceans, rivers, springs, etc. From this enormous and almost infinite water source, only 1 percent is able to drink means available as freshwater. 2 more percent of it is also fresh as well, but you cannot use it as it is available in the frozen form in the form of glaciers.

The remaining 97 percent water of our planet is in the oceans. It means that we are surrounded by seas from every side. No matter where you are living, a slight change in seas can affect your lifestyle. In comparison to seas and oceans’ salty water, our living area is too small.

The worse thing is that this huge amount of water is further increasing and causing a rise in sea level. This rise could bring destruction to us. But oysters can help us in this regard. Other than making delicious foods and oyster sauce, oysters can also protect us against the rising sea levels.

You might wonder about how oysters, tiny filter-feeding creatures can protect us. But this is the truth and there is no exaggeration in this statement that oysters can protect us against the rising sea level. Following is complete detail about increasing sea levels, its effects, and the role of oysters.

Why Are Sea Levels Rising?

You must be wondering about how the sea level is rising while our world is facing the problem of water shortage. But you should keep in mind that this shortage is of freshwater. Sea levels are increasing due to the addition of our water. This water is coming from the melting of ice.

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Glaciers are melting at a quicker pace due to global warming. This melted water adds into the river through different pathways. Water is recirculating through the Earth by the water cycle. It means that the evaporated water re-enters into the sea in the form of rain.

What are the Effects of Rising Sea Levels?

A slight change in sea level could have severe effects on the nearby population, land areas, aquatic life, and sea birds, etc. The most general concept about the rising sea levels is the threat of flood. This is true but there are many other harmful impacts as well. Contamination of drinking water is one of them.

Some other threats might include the effect on farming, a threat to the wildlife, destruction of the coastal areas, and a major fall in the economy.

How Oysters Can Protect us?

The sea level is rising at a quicker pace from the last century. The rise in the previous 100 years is greater than the past 3000 years. The decline rate of oysters reefs is also greater during this period. It means that there is certainly a relationship between these two.

Oyster reefs can grow at a quicker speed than the rising sea levels. Researches have shown that reefs can grow to the front layer of oceans, no matter how much level is increasing. Oyster reefs can protect us against the damages done by rising sea levels.

They can protect us from storms by absorbing their power and tidal forces. They can also protect the coastal areas from damage. Due to these factors, many countries are restoring oyster reefs. Oyster reefs can also protect the aquatic wildlife from the effects of high sea levels by providing them habitat. Different countries are trying to build oyster reefs near coastal areas to protect them.

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The above discussion shows that oysters are ecological magicians. Despite being tasty seafood and used in making yummy oyster sauce, oysters can also protect our ecosystem. After knowing the above facts, whenever you are going to buy oyster sauce, you are going to remember them as magicians to maintain the aquatic environment.

But their population is decreasing with every passing day. Certain conservational programs are working to protect them. You should also play their role in doing so. Try to spread awareness about their importance. The best you can do to protect them is to stop spreading water pollution. Contaminated water can destroy oyster reefs.